sleepless in seattle

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I'd been back about a week. It had been quite therapeutic. I saw my parents, my friends from home. I'd been surrounded by that comforting love feeling that I had been craving since Vinnie.

Speaking of. We hadn't spoken all week. Not a text, not a call. And in all honestly, I was disappointed and hurt. He had been the only thing primarily on my mind since I'd been back. All I wanted to do was hear his voice, feel his touch. But he had made it obvious now that he didn't feel the same way. It was all a lie.

I had made plans to go out tonight with my two girl friends. I got my usual glammed up and headed out the door, ready for what the night had to bring.

We got to the club, all the girls asking me about how my time in LA had been. I needed a few drinks to even be able to tell them the story. So the girls just kept ordering drink after drink as I explained my story in detail up until this point.

"And so I turned the corner into the terminal, I didn't look back. Not once. And we haven't spoken since." I slurred from all the alcohol consumption.

"Jesus. What a dick." Yasmine, my friend replied.

"I don't know, I kind of feel like sorry for him." Lily added.

"No way. He is a dick. But that being said, I do think he likes you." Yasmine shouted over the booming music.

"Really?" I screwed my face, "I don't think so. I think it was just convenient for him."

"Are you joking, the way he reacted to every guy you spoke to. You don't do that unless you like someone." Lily chimed in.

"He would have messaged me by now." I sighed, looking at my empty phone, thinking of Vinnie.

"Stop. No. We're not doing this. Sad stuff over... Let's DANCE!" Yasmine snatched my phone and made her way to the dance floor, forcing me to follow her.

All my favourite music played. Singing the night away, laughing at each others cringey dance moves and getting randomers to buy me drinks.

"Hey. hey. hey." I shouted. "It's my favourite song!" I yelled as the music blasted through the speakers. I looked around for Yasmine and Lily but they were talking to two men at the bar. I decided to not disturb them. I backed into the crowd, dancing with random women as I tried to find a free space to stand while I waited for them. As I did so, I bumped into a figure.

"Sorry. sorry." I stumbled backwards. I turned my head to look at the man. And I could not believe my eyes.

"Elijah?" I said accidentally out loud.

"Oh god." he sighed as he laughed at my drunken state. "Look at this one." He sniggered

"What, what are you do-doing here." I asked not really believing my eyes and not really believing that I was actually talking to him right now.

"Hey Liv." Ange beamed at me. I didn't notice that little rat dangling off his shoulder before.

"OH." I looked at the pair starstruck. Then I noticed a ring on her finger. Her left finger.

"Hello?" She waved in my face. I started at the ring blankly. "God Ell you're right. How did you even hang out with this mess." She laughed along with hm, clearly thinking I wouldn't hear.

"Why are you dressed like that?" He said pointing at my short skirt, mocking me.

I clicked out of my gaze. "Congratulations." I stuttered, pointing at the ring. And walked away, I looked back and they were just laughing at me as I heard them calling me names.

Why? Why every time I feel like I'm on track something happens. I wasn't even upset, I was embarrassed. I had just seen my ex boyfriend ENGAGED with the girl he was probably cheating on me with, less than a month after we broke up.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now