same old same old

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"Okay guys so as you probably all know, Vinnie has been in hospital for the last two weeks, but he's on his way home right now." Thomas spoke into his camera. 

Alex was also filming, as I was putting up a giant 'Welcome Home Vinnie' banner on the back wall of Vinnie's family living room. "Olivia had this awesome idea of inviting us all to surprise him." He continued.

"Come to think of it, we actually might put him back in the hospital for a heart attack." I turned to Thomas, him and everyone else laughing in response.

"When is he coming?" Thomas asked me for the 4,576th time. 

"Reg text me 10 minutes ago said he was leaving, so he should be here any minute." I clasped my fists in anticipation. 

"Okay is everyone in position?" Alex yelled, setting up his camera. 

"It's not a freaking dance number!" Jack screwed his face, reluctantly walking to where he needed to hide.

"Jack shut up." I laughed as I pulled him behind the kitchen counter with me.

We all waited, whispering and giggling as we heard a car pull into the driveway. 

"Kouvr you can see your head. Now you're sitting on my foot-" Alex whisper shouted. "Ouch!" 

"Shhhhh!" She whisper shouted back. We all held our mouths to try contain our laughter. 

Faint mumbling was heard as Vinnie, Reggie, his mom and dad entered the porch. 

The door opened, "Cute bannerAAAAAGHHH!" Vinnie yelled as we all jumped up and screamed at him. "What the fuck you guys." He held his head in his hands. "Holy shit."

Everyone rushed towards him, hugging and embracing him, telling him how glad they were to see him. It warmed my heart. 

We made eye contact through the huddle of people. He looked so happy. I walked over to him, and embraced him in a hug. I took note of his scent, fresh linen, and apple shampoo. He buried his head in my shoulder as I nuzzled in. 

"I'm so glad your home." I mumbled into his shoulder. He responded by squeezing me even tighter. 

"Thank you." He pecked me on the cheek, as he released me from the hug. "For everything." He held my hands, looking into my hazel eyes. 

His lips felt soft, and warm as they bounced on and off my cheek. I heated up quickly, looking straight to the floor, intimidated by his minor gesture that was going to play on my mind until everyone left. In that moment it felt like I was the only person who he cared about, and no one else was there. Although it was a lot more romanticised in my head than his, I'd just missed him so much.

"We brought snacks!" Mia pointed to the kitchen counter that had an array of every food Vinnie had ever admitted to liking.

"I fucking love you guys." He put Jack into a headlock before scuffing his hair and walking over to grab some food with the boys. 

I stood talking with Maria and Nate for a while as Vinnie settled in back home and caught up with the LA lot. 

We hung out for hours, talking, catching up, filming that stupid 'He's a 10 but..' TikTok, followed by a very intense game of monopoly as it got later (which started a lot of fights between Tabitha, Jake, Jack and Vinnie). It all left us in fits of laughter as we all cheated our way through he entire game.


"Love you too honey boo." Jack blew Vinnie a fake kiss as he was the last one out the door and Vinnie pretended to catch it in his hand and proceeded to slap his ass after. 

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now