home is where i wanted to go

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Vinnie uploaded a picture to his story.

"Liv." I felt Vinnie's palm stroke some of my hair from my face.

I groaned, opening my sleepy eyes. I saw his beautiful soft features close so my face.

"You're home." He whispered. I adjusted my eyes to the light that was on in his car.

"That was so quick." I groaned.

"You were sleeping the whole way that's why." He smiled.

"I was not." I croaked, eyes still heavy. He laughed.

I opened my door to see my mother standing at the door, waiting for me in anticipation. I beamed at her.

"I already took your bags inside to your mom." He told me.

"Thank you." I turned back towards him. He was stood in front of his car. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let me know when you get home racer boy." I squeezed him tight as he held me just as close by my waist. As I pulled away his hands lingered on my hips as he met my eyes.

"I will." He stuttered. He edged closer for a second before he looked over to my mother. He waved at her before taking a step back.

"Drive safe." I blew him a kiss as I stepped onto the sidewalk.

"I live round the block, I'll be fine." He jestured for me to go inside as he clambered back into the drivers seat.

"I know but still, text me." I instructed, "And tell your mom I said hi."

"I won't." He winked, as he drove away.

I turned to my mother and ran towards her, holding her in my arms.

"I've missed you my baby girl." She stroked the back of my hair as I stooped in her arms.

"I've missed you more." I held her.

"He's such a lovely boy. I'm so happy you're just as close as when you were kids." She smiled, as she ushered me inside.

I smiled back in response, "He's alright." I scrunched my nose. She laughed her warm laugh.

"I've made your bed up for you. You should get some sleep. We'll have a catch up in the morning." She kissed me on the cheek before following me up to my room.

It was good to be back in my own bed. I plugged my phone on charge before lugging my bag upstairs and placing it in the corner to unpack tomorrow morning.

I climbed into bed and wrapped myself in the fresh linen sheets. I inhaled strongly through my nostrils, it was good to be home. I began to shut my eyes with a smile, ready to bring on tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my mother calling me quite frantically.

"What?" I sat bolt upright, kind of angry that I'd been woken up from the best sleep of my life.

Never be the same. - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now