tainted love on karaoke

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The next morning I woke up after probably the most refreshing sleep I'd had in a long time. However the memory of Tab and Vinnie was quick to reenter my mind. I felt like there was a long overdue talk with Vinnie that needed to be had but I just felt like a psycho for bringing up the pat, especially since his stance was very clearly moving on and making our friendship work like it once did.

Thomas had texted me reminding me that we were all going to Disneyland today as quote on quote 'you can't have lived in the US for 10 years and not go to Disney'. I was surprised he followed up with is drunken request, but to my surprise, everyone on the groupchat was very eager to go. So I showered and got dressed into an oversized polo shirt, pleated skirt and my nike 77'swit above ankle socks. Brushing my soaking wet locks, I attempting to put my hair into two French plaits. I did some glowy makeup with probably too much blush but we were rolling with it. I made my way downstairs into the much less crowded kitchen in comparison to last night.

"Morning Girl!" Kouvr greeted me.

"Morning gorg." I replied, to the grinning faces that noticed me.

"What a first night last night was huh." Alex nudged.

"Tell me about it. You must have got some fucked up content last night." I shook my head at the memory of Jack eating the spicy wings and gagging for milk afterwards.

"Honestly! I'm scared to look through it." He chuckled.

"Yeah I think I would be too." I slumped myself on the barstool at the kitchen island.

"You wanna coffee?" Kouvr offered.

"Oh yes please!" I practically begged. I put my head in my hands, still slightly sleepy.

"Do you even remember half of last night?" Kouvr asked Alex as she brewed my filtered coffee.

" Honestly no." He paused as I reacted.

"I didnt think you were that drunk." I smiled.

"Pfft." Kouvr giggled, as the coffee swirled around in the mug. "Don't get me started on him last night."

I sat there with my mouth wide open. "See now you can't say that and not tell me." I grabbed the hot drink out of Kouvr's offering hand.

I sipped from the mug as Kouvr and the rest of us relived the memories of Alex attempting to breakdance whilst singing karaoke to 'Tainted Love'. We sat there adding things to the ever growing antics of us all dancing on tables and falling up the stairs in attempt to get to bed last night as, I finished my coffee.

Jack showed me the pictures on his camera roll of last night. "Oh my god." I said in disbelief to a photo of me, Mia and Kouvr all dancing on the counter. I decided to post it on my instagram for the aesthetic and to also convince everyone back home that I was having a good time even though climbing on counters was not even partially safe.

 I decided to post it on my instagram for the aesthetic and to also convince everyone back home that I was having a good time even though climbing on counters was not even partially safe

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