Chapter one - I'm Luna woman who will be king of the pirates

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A barrel is floating in the ocean. It hits a close by ship which is currently having a party on it.  A group of two men are trying to get the said barrel onto the ship. Just when the two men got the barrel onto the ship a man yells out "ship! And they got a pirate flag. We got a pirate ship in pursuit." After a while a man runs up to the captain of the marine ship and yells "Captain  we got a pirate ship." Men and woman began to run when there is a bang

On the other ship. "Fire!" After the men fires at the Marine ship the woman who was reveled to have wave black hair yells out. "Coby! Who is the most beautiful of all on the sea?" The said pink haired boy with glasses nervously rubs his head as he says.
" Well that'll be the captain of our ship Lady Avida" (I think I spelled that right) which she is anything but beautiful she is extremely fat and you can't tell where her neck is. She then orders her men to attack the marine ship, she then through Coby onto the said ship. Coby walks down to the kitchens to find a barrel. He begins to roll the barrel. When three men walk in and threatens Coby to stay quite about the barrel they go to open it then. Boom it opens to revel a woman with shoulder length black hair, a straw hat with a red band a red button up shirt with no sleeves and jean shorts that reach to about her mid thighs and an hourglass body shape. She starches and sigh not even noticing the fact that she punched one of the three men and nocked him out.

She stands there and then notices the situation she accidentally got herself into, she cusses under her breath. Then notices the other three males faces and sighs. Just the two men say " who are you?!" Did they plan that? She can't help but think. With no answer the two go to attack the said women but with a flick of her hand, she sends the swords flying onto the roof with an almost star like trail left in there tracks. She just sigh when the two fall to the ground and again ask who she is. This time she answered not with out another sigh though.
"My name is Monkey D. Luna, and if yo-" She is the cut of by the two men running away from her screaming. She then sighs agin that was rude. She thinks to herself. As she watches the two men run away. There nothing but cowards. What kind of pirates are they?
"What just happened?" The boy named Coby asked before the young girl could say anything the boy starts rabbling about the pirate above. The girl then hits him gently on the head and says.
"Your rambling kid." She says as she walks away toward the storage and grabs an apple and asks. "What's your name anyways kid?"
"C-Coby." He answers. He then starts to rant about how he ended up in this situation when she interrupted the boy and says
"So forced to join the pirates right." She states earnings a reluctant nod from the boy.

She agin sighs and then asked as she through the core of the apple away and says. "What's you dream kid."  He seems to glow at that and states.
"I wanna be a Marine miss Luna!" He shouts "what about you?" 
"To become king of the pirates" she sigh and interrupts the boy before he can even start "yes I know there are other people out there but that does not mean I can not try and I'd be damed if I don't at least give it a try got it." He then begins to ramble and she hits him on the head again but harder due to her getting irritated with the boy. He then goes to ask why she did that and she interrupts him saying "because you where rambling and it was getting annoying."

She sighs if this kid wants to be a marine I gotta get him out of here. Therefore I need a new fucking boat. This is such a pain. Why do I always have such shity luck. "Al-" before she can continue she is interrupted by the roof breaking of fucking corse. She thought. She didn't even bother to listen to the ugly woman as she zone's out. Only hearing the name Zoro and remembering a few things about the man before smirking knowing fully well what she will say do to the woman in front of her will piss of said woman. "Hey Coby who is this ugly, fa-" before she can continue the woman goes to hit her with a club. She jumps to the deck and starts dodging attacks from the pirates with Coby on her back and him wondering how the heck did I get here. She then sets the boy down gaining the crews attention and getting them to chase her there forth they get caught in her trap and she puts them into a moon like domain without there weapons leaving the dumbstruck.
"What are you?" A dumbstruck Coby asked.
"I'm as they call it a galaxy maiden or a maiden of the night sky." She answered just then Avida cuts in and stated.
"You ate a devil fruit. Didn't you?" Luna agin sight and answered.
" Yes the Ginga-Ginga fruit." She then interrupts the female before she can speak "I am not a bounty hunter I am a pirate." Coby then speaks up and states.
"Luna is the most beautiful woman while you are the ugliest inside and out." Which results into a laughing Luna and a pissed of Avida said woman goes to attach the girl who dodges and send her flying she then look over and sees marines. Shit. She then picks up Coby jumps onto a boat and cuts the ropes to said boat with a dagger with a purple coloring and what looks like a pearl in the middle of it. (Picture bellow)

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