Chapter five - Arlong park, Lunas first bounty, Nightmares or memorys

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(This chapter is exactly the same in canon until the end of the starling arc so I will leave of from there.)
Luna was smirking at Arlington as they stood in Naomi's 'room' well more like prison. Oh how she wanted to let loose on this man but then it wound not be as fun so she just smirked. Her eyes where narrowed though. Her smirk slowly turned into a frown though. Her normally dark brown almost black eyes turned to a golden color as she pulled out her dagger her hat was still with Nami. She had blood on her. She did not know who's it was she only knew it was blood. She summoned Reiki to her hands and attacked she was a flash no one could see her. Arlong was overwhelmed. He froze. That was his fatal mistake. Within seconds the whole building was crashed down. She was under the rubble. She calmed herself. She did not know what happened she was so made that she lost control. It made her made at herself for it though.

She stood up tall and bloodied. When she stood tall she spoke loud and clear to make sure Nami could hear her. "NAMI! YOU ARE MY FREIND AND AS LONG AS YOU ARE ON MY CREW NO ONE WILL EVEY YUSE YOU AS A TOOL AGAIN. DO YOU HEAR ME." This made the girl cry. She was finally free. So she decided. She WILL follow Luna, her friend, her sister, her hero, her light, to then end of the earth and she will complete her dream.

Ussop, Zoro, Sanji, Gin, and Luna where on the Merry waiting for Nami. She then saw her coming and knew what she needed. "Set sail know." Right after she said that. The crew started to work on setting sail. Right when Nami reached the cliff she jumped. Luna arms were opened wide in order to catch the girl. Right after she did she put her go and pulled up her shirt to drop wallets the villagers begin to yell and curse out Nami as she just laughed while Luna joined in on the laughter. After that they set off. The island was know out of view when Nami spoke. "I know this is random. But can I play with your hair?"  Luna laughed at this. She smiled at Nami and spoke up.
"Go ahead. I don't really mind." So she sat down and allowed Nami to brush, braid, and play with her hair. She smiled as Nami played with her hair and slowly drifted of into sleep.

A small girl stood in a forest. Running around and playing with two figures running behind her. She giggled as they yelled out. "LU LU WAIT FOR USE!" Her only answer was laughter. She jumped up into a tree and watched as the two boys came to a stop. One was blond with old tattered noble clothes and a top hat. The other had freckles and black wavy hair. They were her beloved brothers. But even though they were older then her bye three years to be exact. She was stronger. She has always been stronger, faster, braver, and smarter then both of them. Most kids were scared of her due to this but not these two. She was pulled out of her thoughts as they both spoke up.  "Okay. Luna we give you win. Again." She laughed at this and dropped down. From the tree right behind them.

There is nothing there. Luna ran as she called out for her brothers. "ACE. SABO." She repeated the names until she found them. Of course. There tied up to a pole who,e the fire burns. She was able to hid Sabo from his father. But like always. She needed to bail them out of trouble. Honestly it should be the other way around.

There is know a boat sailing but. A Canon goes off. Right before the said canon can hit the boat Sabo is on a figure blocked it. Her right side was closes to the canon while her left sent Sabo to the island. She then disappeared from sight.

A man stood. Shaking. He was crying. His grad-baby. His granddaughter. His little princess. The girl everyone loved was gone. He looked over to his grandsons. They were a reach. "Why... why does she always do that... she does. No did so much for us but we were to late for her. Not even a piece of her was saved." The whole village felt the same as the family of know three did at this point in time.

In the grand line. Two men sat next to each other. They were both morning. A child. A sweet, brave, strong, child. Was killed today. Shanks. On of the men who were sitting there. He saw the girl as his own daughter. He loved her. While the other. Mihawk. Saw this girl as his niece. His only family. A talented, brave, and kind girl. The only person he will ever see as family. Was know gone.

A man sat at his desk. He was made, sad, broken, he did not know how he felt. His daughter was know gone. He thought his father would take care of her but no. He left her there alone. He left her to die. He knew he should have kept her. But alas that would have put her in even more danger. There was nothing he could do. Not know not ever.

A girl later on a star like island. It was in her own world. In her own mind. She opened her eyes. Her whole side right side was burnt and was hurting. It went all the way down to her hip.

Luna shot up awake. She hated though memory's. She rubbed her temples with her eyes closed when she opened her eyes she saw her crew. Staring at her with worry in there eyes. "No not nightmares. Memory's of the past. I'll explain it to you." So she did. When she was dune. They looked at her wide eyed. "The only people who know that I am still alive would be my home town and know Mihawk.

The  next day the group of six was relaxing. Zoro was napping. Sanji was cooking. Ussop was making more shooting stars. Gin was checking the supply under deck. Nami was arguing with a news coo. Luna was staring of into the sea. After a few seconds there was a scream from Nami. Luna was first to react with in second her dagger was out and she was by Nami she then froze. Fuck. I was hoping it would take a little longer before I got a bounty. The Zoro came over. He was know laughing. Ussop came and also started to jump up and down in excitement. Gin was next he was also laughing. Sanji was last and he began to dance. In the hands was a...

Garp the fist or Garp the hero was now crying in Sen-Goku's office holding a bounty poster in his hand mumbling the same words over and over again. "She's alive" behind him were two boys. Coby and the daddy's boy kid. Garp hugged the bounty like his life depended on it.

The people in Luna's home town were celebrating Luna's success. Along with the Dadan mountain bandits.

Shanks was so happy. He was crying and drinking like there was no tomorrow with Mihawk right next to him doing the same. His crew was two though only the senior members knew the real reason why. She was alive. There little princess of the stars was alive.

The white-beard pirates froze the moment Ace and Sabo began to ball there eyes out. The then stopped crying and began to... dance? Then they started to sing. "She's alive' over and over again. Until Marco had enough and picked up the knew bounty and asked.
"Who is this-yoi"
"Are sister!"
"Ain't she dead though?" Thatch asked.
"We thought so but apparently not!"

Luna ripped the paper out of names hand and sighed. "At least they got a good picture. But FUCK. that's night for a first bounty. I was hoping to not get one until AFTER we left louge town. Oh well seems like fat had other plans." She ignored as Nami scolded the others for being so excited over this.

A figure in a cloak smiled at the wanted poster

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A figure in a cloak smiled at the wanted poster. She was alive.  His baby girl. His daughter was alive. He will make sure it stays that way as well. He failed at it once. He will not fail again. This he promised. He slipped the poster into his pocked as he walked away.

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