Extra - telling the past to, Laws emotions for Luna, and falling in love?

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It was the middle of the night. Luna woke up due to a nightmare. Her crew was asleep. Well those that were with her. So we're the guests on her crew. Except for Law who was on look out. But. Surely he was not in the kitchen. Right? Luna sighed and got out of her bead.

Luna stood in front of the sink. In her hand was a glass of water. She sat it down. Tears pricked at her eyes. She couldn't hold it in any more. She took in a shaker breath. She tried to hold the tears back. Key word tried. It only made them fall faster. Three people long gone from this world flashed in her head. Her beloved brother Ace. Her first love. Asher was his name. He was killed when she was on the island of stares. By his own father. It was terrible. Asher had ash blond hair with e,raked green eyes. But. He was shaped exactly like his father. Akainu. He was going to sail with her. He was going to be her right hand. Then. Her Nana. Her first care taker. A woman who grew up with her grandpa. An ex marine. A woman who became a bounty hunter. Her name was Yuki. She died protecting Luna. She was the closest thing to a mother she had. What sucked the most was. Doctor Karin. Her nana had looked almost exactly like that old woman. Only. Kinder. And taller. Luna was know having a panic attack. Her breaths came out rough and fast. She was chocking on air. She slid down to her knees. She sat on the cold floor. Her hands moving quickly up and down her legs. Looking. Searching for any tip of comfort. 

Law had heard shuffling. He followed the sound. Then he heard a quiet sob. Then raged breathing. He quickly opened the door. The sight shocked him to his bones. Luna. The woman who was always smiling. Always happy. Who. He had fallen for. Was not as stable as he thought. He froze. She was having a panic attack. He moved quickly. Walked over to her. Slowly as to not scare her. "Luna." His voice came out quite and soft. He was not sure if she could here him. "Luna. I'm going to take you out side." He slowly grabbed her shoulders and slowly guided her to stand. Once she was standing he guided her out side.

Law was know sitting next to a calmer Luna. He went to ask her if she wanted to take about it but. Like always she seemed to know what he wanted to say. " me,orgs of the three people I was to slow to save. I know I gotta talk about it. I don't know why. But. I feel like I can tell you... I don't know why..." he hummed in reply.
"Tell me about it. If you want to that is."
"Ace. He was the most recent one. My brother in everything but blood. Fucker was way over protective. I. I was always saving his ass." She laughed and he chuckled.
"Fir some reason I believe that."
"I don't need to go into how he died. You were there. You saw it. Then. Asher. My first love. He was kind. Gently. The first person outside of family or caretakers to except me. In my village. I used to get teamed up on and beat by the other kids. They were scared of me. I was always strong for my age. Even for D standards. They." Her voice broker and her eyes watered. Law put his arm around her in a comforting way. She continued. Unconsciously leaning into him. He blushed. "They called me monster. Freak. And more. I never fought back. But. When I was about fifteen. He was killed by his own father for wanting to be pirate instead of a marine." Laws hand tighter around her.
"I'm sorry." She continued.
"Then. There was my nana. She taught me almost everything I know about deceiving people." She laughed at the look law gave her. "Come one. You don't really think I'm always happy. How else am I going to get people to think I'm stupid. Anyways. Nana was an ex marine. She became I bounty hunter after ten years of being a marine. She taught me so much. She died protecting me. I was about five. And. Had no control over my fruit. Pirates came to town one day. Tried to take me to a slave trade. She fought and killed every single one. But. It resulted in her death. Her name was Yuki. She was the best." Her eyes were again watering. "I'll never let any of that happen again. Even if it means my life."
"Don't say that!" Luna was shocked at what Law said. Her head snapped to his.
"What?" It came out as a whisper. He looked her in her eyes dark brown eyes meeting yellow. His grip tightened on her. And. Fir the first time in her life. Luna blushed. Revising how close they were.
"Don't say that. Luna." He took in a deep breath and continued. "I. I don't know what I would do if you died. I. I care for you. Deeply. I... I tried ignoring my feeling for you. But. The more I saw you in the paper. The more the paper said about you. The more I fell for you." Luna blushed even more at that. He continued. "I. I don't want to own you like Kidd. No. I just. I just want to be by your side. Like. Like an equal." Luna. Froze. That's what she wanted with her love. That's what she wanted with her partner in life. Equal. For them to be equals. She leaned into him. And. She smiled. She spoke. Surprising Law with her words. Yep. Luna will admit it to her self. But. Not out loud. She had gotten over Asher a few years ago. And. Know it was time for a knew start. Her eyes got heavy.
"I think I'll like that." She paused for a bit. "After fighting Kaido. I'll give you a date. Prove to me that you mean what you say. And maybe I'll consider dating you." She fell asleep at that.
"Wait what? Really." Law looked down to see that she was asleep. He sighed but picked her up. And walked to her rooms. He didn't need to open the door. It was slight open when he reached it. He walked into her room and laid her in her bead. Covering in her sheets. When he went to walk out. He saw four pictures on a table. One had her and her brothers by each others side in a dog outfit. One showed a little Luna being held by a young Garp. One showed a drenched Luna and a laughing Red Hair Shanks. Who was did not notice the water being thrown at him by the little girl. And. The last and most well kept picture showed a little Luna and who he suspected to be Yuki plating cards. Luna smiling brighter then he has ever seen her. He relished then. It was her true and real smile. He silently promised himself that he will make it so she can smile like that again. One day.

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