Extra - After the war with Big Mom and Kaido and the date with Law

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Luna ground. She felt like shit. But. She did just go full out for the first time in her life. It was fun at the time but. But know she wanted t curl up in a ball and die. She glared at the roof. She then heard a voice. Which scared her. And. She fell off her bed. Onto the floor. "Your awake!" Luna got up and glared at Law.
"You fucking scared my!" Law looked at her. Worry filling his eyes. "What. I went full out. Of core I won't be able to sense people or things for a while. Two days at most. One at least. He shook his head at that. A small blush covered his cheeks with the next words he said.
"Umm. You promised me a date." Luna looked him in the eyes. And smiled.
"I know. Already got it planned then?" He only nodded. Putting his arm out. Signaling for her to grab it. So. She did.

Luna and Law walked around a forest. After a while they reached a blanket with a basket on it. Luna rose her brow at the sight. Glancing at Law. He smiled shyly ate the female captain. She chuckled at the sight. To Law. And more then likely the others who like her. Sounded like bells chimes. She shook her head. And sat down on a blanket. The two simple sat down and ate a few fruits from the basket. It was a simple date. Luna quit liked it.

The Solar pirates. Consisting of Nami, Robin, Chopper, Yamato, And Tama thought the sight was quit adorable. While Brooke, Franky, Jimbei, and Gin looked like they wanted to murder someone. Then. There was Sanji, Zoro, and Kidd. Who were all cussing law out for making the first move on the female captain.

Law stayed quiet for a while until his yellow eyes connected to a single dark brown almost black one. He stared into Luna's eye. The more he looked the more he could make out the galaxy like coloring in it. He then shook his head and spoke. Wanting to get to know the female some more. "What's your favorite color?" He. Answered his question first though. Showing just how nervous he was. "I like yellow and black." Luna laughed. She found this version of Law. Well adorable.
"Well. My favorite color is blue. But. I like all color that can be seen in a galaxy." He smiled at that. And laughed.
"What about family? Mine passed away when I was younger. And you know the whole situation with-"
"Bird brain" he laughed at that.
"But I had a little sister named Lami." Luna hummed and closed her eyes. Thinking on we're to start.
"Well I guess I should start with my known grand parents and blood family. First there Grandma. Her name is Rhea she is the queen of the fae. And. I'm the crowned princess of the fae. I hate being royal. It sucks. Then there is Grandpa. The crazy old coot. Everyone knows him. Garp the fist. Hero of the marines. I used to only be known as his granddaughter. But. He called me a few days ago crying. Apparently so,some called him Wolf Star's grandpa. Then there's my dad. The revolutionary Dragon. I only have one single memory of him." She looked over to Law and smiled. She then continued to speak looking up to the clouds. "I told you about my Nana Yuki. Then there is Makino-nee. She's the best. She's like a big sister to me. She's awesome. Kind. Gently. And really really pretty. She also very protective. Like my whole Family. Then the red haired pirates. Aka my adopted uncles. And Papa Shanks. Uncle Mihawk. Dadan. She's the best and only mountain bandit I actually like." She looked at law and decided to revel something not even her crew knew. "I have a deep hearted for bandits. One tried to kill me when I was younger. And harassed Makino-nee. And talked shit about Shanks." She then looked back up to the sky. "I told you about Asher. Only other person other then my family to know about him is you and Nami." The others looked at Nami at that to which she put her finger to her lips and dis a zipping motion and through away the key. Saying that her lips are sealed. "Then there is Ace and Sabo. They were complete and utter idiots growing up. Did you know one time they almost got themselves killed by pirates. Guess who had to save there asses. ME! The little sister. The youngest of the three. The only girl. And. It wasn't the last or only time I saved there asses. Did you know that both of them are deadly scared of snakes. I found out one day by finding one. Making friends with it. And taking it to our house. Oh. We made our own house when I was seven and they were ten. Though. I did most the building. Anyways I took the snake there. Waited for my brothers to come back. I had the snake on my lap and had fallen asleep I woke up to two blood curtailing screams. Turns out. They are. Where both deadly scared of snakes." Law looked at her and smirked.
"What are you scared of then?" She whipped around and glared at Law.
"What about you? What are you scared off? I ain't telling you shit till you tell me." Law laughed at that and smiled at her. He lined into her ear. Making it so that the others can't hear him but she could.
"Losing what I care about." Luna looked at him. And sighed.
"Guess I gotta tell you know. Don't I." Law simple smirked at the girl. She did the same as he did. Both knew that they were being watched. "There are two things I'm scared of. One is being alone." She leaned back and away from him.
"Hey know. Can't just leave it there what's the other." Luna sighed but again whispered in his ear
"Spiders." Law through his head back and laughed at that. Luna glared at him. "Hey. Don't laugh." She pouted at him. A small blush on her cheeks.
"Sorry. Sorry. But really."
"Yes. Know drop it."
"Okay. Okay." He paused for a second and looked at her. "Why do you plan on doing after becoming the king of the pirates." Luna froze and looked to him.
"I plan to fulfill my true dream. Becoming the King is only a step in doing it." He looked at her and asked the question she knew was coming. Yamato jumped up and down. Knowing exactly what she was going to say due to Ace accidentally letting it skip out one day. Luna looked at Law. "There are only four people who know what my real dream is. Those four are. Shanks. I told him when I was about six. Then Ace and Sabo know. I told them when I was seven almost eight. Then Yamato knows. Thanks to my idiotic Dr other Ace telling her-him when they meet." She closed her eyes and smiled. That same smile she had in the pictures in her room. Her real and true smile. Everyone froze at the sight. She looked at Law and again whispered it in his ear. So quietly that he barely even heard it. She then leaned back and closed her eyes. Waiting for him to laugh. But. He surprised her. He didn't laugh but again spoke.
"I think. No. I know you can do it." Luna head snapped in his direction. He smiled at her. A true smile. And she blushed bright red. Covering her face with her hands as he laughed at the sight.
"S-shu-shut up!" She stuttered. SHE FUCKING STUTTERED. SHE NEVER STUTTERS. Luna turned even redder at that. Her eye glanced at law who was laughing even more at her. She smiled at him. Finally getting her blush under control. And.  She tackled him.

The two tumbled and rolled for a while. Rolling out of the sight of the spying crew and Kidd. They know couldn't find them. Meanwhile. Law and Luna finally stopped rolling around a restyling each other. Law had her pined to the floor. She was tired and injured. So of core he would have won. The two stared at each others eye for a bit. Then. Law kissed her. Luna was surprised at first. But leaned into the kiss. Kissing him back. It only escalated from there. By the end of the day. They two decided on dating each other. And became a couple. Though. There gonna keep it quiet for a while. Just to be safe.

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