Chaoter ten - Smoker again, stalling for vivi and the others, and stopping a war

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Luna and her crew waved good bye to Ace and Sabo. She enjoyed the time with her brothers. She was also happy that her crew got along well with them. After all. They are her family. She was honestly tired. Vivi. Such a foolish girl. She wants to save Everyone. That is not possible in a war. Not at all. So. She did what was needed. She smacked the sanity into her. Yeah. Her crew didn't like that. But soon one by one they relished what she was planing. Vivi ended up crying. Luna held her as she cried into her shoulder. She held Vivi close and then spoke. "Vivi I am your friend. That means that you can share your burdens with me. I will help you. Because you are my friend and my friends are my family. Got that." She nodded at that. Crocodile. You will not get away with this. Not if I have a say in this. I will not kill. No. I can't. I. I already broke that promise when I fought Arlong. I will not break it again. I must stay in control.

Luna walked with her crew. They had just reached rain base. Ussop and Chopper were complaining about water. Luna walked into a bar with Ussop. She ordered some jugs of water. She looked over and saw Smoker. She grabbed a glass of water full of water and throw it into his face. She ran off with Ussop and the water. She giggled as she ran. She made sure that her crew was in front of her along with Vivi. Well everyone except for Chopper. "Split!"  She screamed. Nami, Zoro, and Ussop went right, Gin, Sanji, and Vivi went left, while Luna went up. Yes. She went up. "Don't die."

Luna ran. Jumping over, dodging, and countering attack from Smoker. She giggled. She was having fun. It was like when she would play tag with her Jii-Chan. She was having fun. Yeah. She was having way to much fun with this. "GET BACK HERE" Smoker yelled.
"NO." She screamed back at him. "GET INSIDE. NOW!"
"YES MAAM." Ussop, Nami, and Zoro said back.

Okay. Who's ideas was it to follow Ussop. Because. He. Chose. The path. That. Was. Obviously. A trap. Luna sighed. This was so very frustrating. And know she is in a se prison stone cage. With Smoker. And Crocodile right in front of her. Mocking her. And there is Smoker. Also mocking her. Great. What an amazing day. Oh. Amazingly. Know the cage is filling with water. And Crocodile threw the keys to his bananas gaiters. Fucking awesome. The water was know to her chest. Her knees buckled. Zoro caught her before she fell. The water is not what's is bugging her. Not it's the sea stone. Due to water not being as effective on her. Sea prison does. It effects her ten times worse then it does normal Devil Fruit users. She is fin with water as long as her head is out of it. Any more then that and it will start effecting her.

She hit the surface. Air filled her lungs. She looked at Zoro right when she hit the surface and spoke. "Help Smoker. He may be are enemy. But right know it is Crocodile who we must fight. He can wait his turn."  Zoro looked at her. Then he nodded. Jumping in after Smoker. Gin and Sanji came over to check on her. Chopper came over with his medical kit to check up on her. She watched as Zoro came up with smoker and as he and Sanji argued. Then smoker began to cough. She looked at him.  He looked at her and spoke. "Why did you help me." 
"We may not be on the same side. And I am many things. But I do not. No will not kill for no reason. And as of know. I have no reason to kill you. So I will not allow you to die." She stared him down. She still smiled. Does she ever not smile. Smoker thought. He then again spoke.
"Go. This is the only time I will allow you to escape."
"New you weren't a bad guy Smoker." She giggled when he attached her. And also when she noticed the small blush on his cheeks she did the D thing to do. She winked at him. Which turned him tomato red. With that Luna and her crew ran off. To continue there mission.

It was sun set. Luna stood face to face with Crocodile. She will not fight him. No. At least not really. She only needs to stall. She will actually fight him latter. So she stood in position. Waiting fir him to attack first. Don't use you devil fruit. He does not yet know it. So wait. Only hand to hand combat or use my dagger nothing more. Sand shot at her so she dodged. He did it again. She dodged. Slide this time. Blocked his hook with her dagger. Again. She dodged. "Why are you not fighting." He asked. She only looked at him. And again slide to the side. Does he think I'm stupid. Well yeah I'm crazy but I'm not stupid. She kept her smile on her face as she glared at him. Dodging and countering attacks thrown her way. Until she knew that the others were far away. Which was when his timer went of. She pretended that he succeeded in stabbing her in the guts.

Luna flew high in the sky. A man flew next to her. She had a barrel of water on her back. He's made of sand. Therefore with water he can't turn into sand. Which will mean that he will be weekend. I can. No. I will win. She flew faster. Faster. Faster.
"Honestly. How did you survive that?" The man. Falcon? Next to her said.
"I wasn't stabbed. No. He fell for my plan. I was stalling. Not fighting. I also got an understanding of his strength and weaknesses. I will not be going in blind like every other battle I was in." She looked at him and he nodded at her. The rest of the fly was in silence.

Luna's heart reached. Vivi. Was crying. She hated it when her friends cried. It broke her heart watching them cry. That's why she swore to never allow her friends to cry and if they do. She will comfort them. If someone made them cry. Well. Let's just say Arlong is a good example of that. Luna stared down Crocodile who stared her down as well. Luna's eyes were flickering from the dark drown almost black color to golden. She growled at the man. He attacked she dodged. She threw water at him. She then spoke. "Dawn, dusk. To me." Her twin pistols appeared in her hands. She shot him were the water hit him. She went to dodge another attack. She did barely. She had a cut in her side. She didn't bat an eye no she throw more water at him. And shot him again. He attacked.  She dodged. She attacked. She'd hit. He'd attack. She'd dodge barely. This continued. Attacking. Dodging. Attacking. Dodging. Over. And over again. They were both patting know.
"Your stronger then you look." Was all he said to her. She ignored him. After all it's taking all her self control to not kill this badgered. After all she has promise's to keep. "Ignoring me eh." He spoke. She only glared. Still smiling. "Do you ever not smile. It's kinda annoying." This is when she spoke to him.
"Suck it up bitch."
"Such fowl language for a lady."
"I'm a fucking pirate. Get used to it." He started to laugh. With that she pulled out her dagger and stabbed him in the guts affectively disabling him for know. She then looked up. "Fuck. The building is falling." With that she ran over. Grabbed the king and Nico Robin. She doesn't know why she did but she did. She ran out and layer then down. She was battered and bloodied. She payed the two down and ran in to grab Crocodile. She laid him down then tied him up. She took a few steps back and just then both her and the building collapsed little did she know. Someone got a picture of her. How amazing.

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