Chapter three - Enter Ussop

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Two boats sailed in the sea. Two females and one male where on the two ships. Right when Nami was about to speak up Luna cut her off. "I know. We don't have much of a crew. We need supplies to survive while on sea. A good boat that'll last. A cook so we can have food. Not to count the medical necessities needed." Nami and Zoro just look at the  female in shock. This earned a sigh from the female does everyone think I'm stupid or something... oh yeah... the devil fruit thing. This resulted into a memory on how the said female accidentally at the fruit. The young girl was left on an abandoned island for three months. THREE. She was only about five at that point in time to. She had accidentally stumbled onto the Ginga-ginga fruit and ate it out of hunger. Her grandpa panicked at that.

The black haired female was pulled out of her memory when Nami was about to say the same thing Zoro did she cut her off. "No. I'm not stupid. Why does everyone think that... don't answer that." She spoke out glaring at the two who where laughing. Well that was until they felt the black haired female's glare on them which sent a shiver down there spines. Just then they landed on the shore of a island.

The group where then shot at. Bye rocks? The black haired female sighed as she dodged the attacks. After a few seconds. Nami and the male with curly black hair began to talk. Luna just laughed at them. She then quoted the same thing Shanks once said when she was younger. Zoro cutes in to back her up which her claim. After a while the two began to laugh. "I stool that. From red haired shanks, and no I am not lying. I also know your father. Yassop right." This caused the boy known as Ussop to fall due to confusion and joy.

Four people where seen in a restaurant. "How do you know my father?"
"Yes. I meet him when I was a kid and before you ask no they are great friends. He is a part of Shanks crew. A good ass shooter to never missed. He's the one who taught me to shoot." She then remembers some memory's of Yassop. The female then had a deadly aura around her. "He tried to put my head in a fucking bear bottle. A FUCKING BEAR BOTTLE. I'm still pissed about that." The male then ran off.

Three kids then walked into the restaurant. Luna smirked I'll have a little fun with this. She gives a pointed look to Zoro who also smirked. They scared the kids. The three kinds now known as Apple, Carrot, and Union. A few minutes latter the five are seen talking to Kaya when a man walk up to them. They are then forced to leave the area after asking for a boat and him being treated rudely by the man.

Luna and Ussop are seen walking in a forest. They come to a stop when they see two people talking. This isn't good not at all. He is only using the poor girl. Luna was livid after hearing what he had to say then she heard the name Kuro. Shit! That fucker was lying. Just my luck too oh well. The black haired female sighed. Ussop began to panicked with what they heard. Luna stood up and spoke. "You mother fucker. Why the hell would you do that." She was cut off by the man using hypnotism the female then fell from 'falling asleep' and decided to keep pretending.

After Ussop left the female was found on the ground pretending to be asleep. She then laughed as she sat up. "Idiots. They just assumed that I was dead. They should of checked to make sure I was dead before leaving." That was when Nami noticed something that made her squeal slightly. Zoro had a unnoticeable blush on his cheeks when they got a good look at her outfit she had on. She was wearing a red crop top with a black jacket, ripped blue jeans and black and brown boots, and a single glove on her right hand. Now that I think about it. She keeps her right hand covered at all times. Zoro and Nami thought. (Picture bellow.)


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