Chapter sixteen - Sabadody, part of the worst generation, and helping Kami

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Luna was in her own room. Sleeping. Until. Brook started playing music. Know they were eating. Then brook started talking about there adventure. She giggled. As Nami spoke. "There only one rule Brooke. Never. Ever. Let Luna see you upset when someone caused it." Brooke and Luna looked confused while everyone else only nodded. Luna's snapped out of it first.
"Wait. Wait. What? But why?" Luna's crew looked at her like she was crazy.
"When Arlong made Nami cry... and you killed him" Zoro and Sanji said with Nami blushing.
"Or when Crocodile made Vivi cry... and you beat him to a literal pulp." Ussop and Chopper said at the same time.
"Or. When you declared war and made the world government your enemy for kidnapping and making Robin cry." Franky and Gin said while Robin blushed. Luna only giggled at that while Brooke sweet dropped.
"You really care about your crew huh Captain." He asked Luna.
"Of course. Your all family. If we don't trust and care about each other then we would all be dead. No matter how annoyed we get we will all care. And there is no need for you to prove your self to the crew. You proved that at Thriller Park. So no need to worry all right. Your on the crew so your part of the Family. Oh and when we're on the ship or not doing anything serious you can just call me Luna." Luna walked out. He then followed after her.
"Luna. Do you really think tha-"
"Yes sir. If I didn't think you didn't have what it takes. I never would of asked you. It's as simple as that. And if you fall on the way. I will help you back up. So will the rest of the crew."

Luna was again in her room. She had no idea how Franky got it exactly how she liked her room but he did. It was blue with a color full carped a chair, lights, lava lamp, etc.

 It was blue with a color full carped a chair, lights, lava lamp, etc

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