Chapter thirteen - Long island, revel on Luna arm, and a Marine Admrial amazing

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Luna was relaxed. She was laying on the deck the sun high in the sky. Then a bunch of Morans got themselves killed. Well. That was interesting to say the least. Luna sat up and stretched. Luna was quit relaxed with this clothing. Striped pants with a light tan shirt with some belts and string. She wore boots with three clips along with her usual glove on her right hand.

She walked around the island Shadow was on her heels

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She walked around the island Shadow was on her heels. He had grown again. Know his back was to her hips. His markings have also changed. He was loyal to her. Where ever she went he followed. He loved her and she him.

Luna's head snapped into the direction of the ship

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Luna's head snapped into the direction of the ship. Something was going to happen. Her head then snapped into the direction of a bush. She was being watched. And she did not like it what so ever.

Luna smiled at the reunion between horse and master. She then started to walk towards the ship. Knowing that something or someone was waiting for her. Until. She heard a shot. She stoped and glared. With her usual smile on her face. She was annoyed. She growled at them and then she answered. "Yeah. No. I will not agree. If I fight you in a Dave Back fight you will cheat. And I will not be kind to you for that. So shoo. Go away. Don't want to talk to ya. Bye bye. Don't wanna talk to ya." She ignored the complaining and talked to the old man. "If need be we can take you to the next island. Chopper, Ussop help him pack his things." She then pulled out her dagger and cut the ropes to free the horse. She then dragged the three annoying bugs to there ship. "Alright. There's your ship. So you can leave. Bye bye. Shoo. Don't wanna see your face. Go away. Bye. Leave know. Bye. NANANAHA. CANT HEAR YOU. BYE." At the same time the old man and her two crew mats got on the ship so she spoke. "We will be taking this old man and his horse to his family. So let's get a going."  Just when they are about to leave a person showed up. With that they left. Luna and her crew sailed away. Leaving the two behind as they did.

Luna was tired of hiding her missing arm. So. She did the only thing that she can think of at the time. She walked out of her room. With out her glove on sat down on a barrel and waited for them to notice her. Gin was first he was nervous at first until she looked at him and smiled with teeth. To which he also smiled and nodded. Robin was second, she froze and looked at Luna. Instantly putting two and two together Luna only smiled at her to which she relaxed to. Ussop was third. He stood frozen when he noticed. She shook her hand at him. To which he only nodded. Nami was forth. She also instantly put two and two together and she clearly wanted to cry. Luna only smiled at her. To which she smiled back two. Chopper was fifth he ran up to her to look at said arm. She only patted his head. He smiled up at her and went over to Robin. Zoro was sixth he had to do a double correction triple take he then froze when he realized. She only smiled at him to which he smiled back at her. Which really surprised her. Sanji was last and he visibly freaked out about it.  To which she laughed at. Causing the rest of her crew to also laugh.

Luna and her crew were walking in a forest. Her star like arm exposed. She looked down and saw the tracks. She Froze. Fuck. It's an admiral. Her arm shot out blocking her crew from his view. Zoro and Gin reached for there weapons. Before he can speak Luna spoke. A hiss in her voice. "He's an admiral. On of the world governments power houses. He goes by the name Aokiji." Just then he looked away from Robin and to the girl in front of him. Who just happened to be Luna. His eyes visibly widened as he spoke.
"My you've grown quite a bit since the last time a saw you. And your bounty does you no justice. Let me guess you were pissed when they took the picture. No. Not pissed. Just mad. If you were pissed. Then Crocodile would be dead all though he is in critical condition right know." Luna only growled at him. He was the one of the two Admiral that Luna has meet. And what's worse is that he helped train her. Which means the he knows that she has not gone all out yet. He knows that she has only used a little bit of Hakki and even then it was so little that it was barely noticeable. And it was only Observation Hakki. Luna stiffened when he talked to Robin she again jumped between him and her. Like a mama wolf protecting her pup from a predator. When Luna had her right arm stretched out to her dagger just then Aokiji noticed her arm made of stars.  "Looks like you didn't make it out of that explosion unscathed like we originally thought. Oh and it's your dominant arm to." Luna then hissed at him. Annoyed.

Luna stood between the Admiral Aokiji and her crew. She was stiff and ready to defend and attack. Ussop, Sanji, Zoro, and Gin followed after her. She ignored them as they spoke about the ranks and who currently held them. She chocked on her spit when they said Son-goku. Yeah I'm screwed next time I see them. She only stared at him before she spoke up. "Don't flirt with my crew. Aokiji." She only stared at him. As he put there blunts together. Just then a bunch of people walked out. She felt bad. She looked at Chopper did his thing as Ussop, Sanji, and Gin helped them. She and her crew helped them get there stuff together. She was quiet. Only talking when spoken to.
"How long have you been alive Luna. We all thought you were dead." Aokiji asked.
"That's a stupid question. And I will not tell you were I've been. You already know to much about me as it is." Aokiji only nodded. She watched as he waved good bye to the people. She then looked to the civilians and spoke. "Just stay safe. That's all we want. We may be pirates but we are not bad people. We don't kill without reason, yeah we steal but not from civilians. We don't lie. We are just people sailing the sea for adventure and to fulfill our dreams. That's all."  With that she turned around her crew following her Aokiji.

She stiffened when he brought up her grandpa. Shit. She listened as he spoke. But cut him of when he said 'maybe I should kill you here and know' "Aokiji. You and I both know that if we were to fight. One of use would end up dead if not both. That was if we went one on one. But I got my crew. Which will mean that you will die." She knew that he was scared. Of what will become of them. What they can do. She then spoke up. "You know that I don't care who someone once was. I care about who they are know. That is why she is one my crew." Just then Robin snapped. She attempted to kill him. Idiot. That won't work. He's made of ice. She called out her sword and stood at the ready. Zoro blocked. Sanji attacked. She held her sword to his neck. Just then Sanji and Zoro were frozen. She jumped back. Just then Aokiji hugged Robin. Freezing her. Luna acted before she could think. Red fire went over to Sanji and Zoro. Melting the ice on them. She then ran towards the know Frozen Robin and hugged her like Aokiji did. This time blue flames licked at the ice. Carefully unfreezing the girl. She then jumped in front of her. The fire still working. She was again holding her sword Shadow know stood behind her. Growling and waiting for the order to attack. He threatened my crew. That's a rookie mistake. Was all she could think. Then realization hit her like a Land slide. She showed him her strength. Fuck. Know there will be a fight. She blocked his fist as he went in to attack Robin. Knowing fully well that she will die if shattered. "Take Robin and leave the fire will not harm anyone or anything unless I command it to." Fuck. I didn't want to show this much strength so soon. I wanted to wait but alas. Fate had different plans. They nodded in agreement. She only listened as he spoke and smiled even wider as Nami spoke up. She then did after Nami was hit away. "Don't make a move. Allow me to take him on. By my self." With that Sanji, Zoro, Gin, and Nami left to the ship.

Luna stood. Tall and ready. Waiting for him to attack. She had ice on her. It only melted. She ran at him and kicked. She called her wings and flew up. Cutting ice. That's what he wanted. He appeared around her like he did Robin and tried to freeze her. She allowed it. She tricked him. He fell for her trap. She slowly started melting the ice. Listening to what he said to her. She listened to what he said about Crocodile and Smoker. Just when he left her face was unfrozen Sanji and Zoro showed up just then. They carried her to the ship as she melted the ice. She was asleep. When Luna woke up. Robin was staring of into space.

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