Chapter seventeen - fighting an admiral and the separation of the crew

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Luna was stiff. An admiral was here. And he was looking for her. They were screwed. This wasn't like last time. No. She might need to go full out. Which will result in her passing out. She looked into it a little more. It was Kizaru. Yep. She was screwed. That was if she didn't get a plan. And if her crew wasn't around for the battle. First. She'll use Haru. And will not hold back on speed and strength. She won't go full out. She then smiled and spoke. "Hey. I gotta do something real quick I'll be right back though." And with that Luna disappeared.

Luna was behind Bonney. "Cool fruit ability. So I was wondering do you wanna be allies I mean we girls gotta stick together. So what you say. I may be crazy but a keep care of my own." Bonney looked at Luna. And smirked.
"Fuck yeah. You as ally will be awesome. Here my snail number." Just like that they made an alliance. Trading numbers.

Luna was back with her crew. And then. He appeared. No. This wasn't him. This was a robot. As Luna and her crew fought the robot Kuma Luna could feel Kizaru fighting. And she knew that this man was after her. Luna called for Dawn and Dusk. And spoke. "Phase two. Wolf of the moon."

Luna jumped from one place to another. Dodging attacks and shooting at him. Luna was faster in this form. She was also a little smaller. This was her third biggest form. She was know 5'0 ft tall. In phase three she was 4'0 ft tall. She has yet to go beyond phase three though. But knew that the other phases are taller then phase two. Just then she jumped and ripped off the robots head. With her bear hands. Luna hissed and spoke when she landed. "We gotta keep going. There's an admiral in town. I can sense him. And he's looking for us. I was going to say split up but it is better to stay together just in case something happened but. If I tell you to run. Please please run. It's for your own safety." Her crew nodded. It wasn't an order. But a beg. She was begging them to listen to her so that they can be safe.

Luna's crew ran while she flew above them. Looking out for any enemy's. She was still in phase two. But had her wing out as well. You see. Luna's devil fruit was a mix between all three types of devil fruits It was the only of its kind. That's why the world government meant wanted it so bad. That's why she has not told people who 100% know what it really is. It's what she didn't tell Kidd or Law what her fruit was. They didn't tell her what there's were so she didn't tell them her. Though they were clearly curious about it. Luna's instincts went wild. There's more of them. She then looked down and her crew and spoke. "Stay on alert. There's multiple enemy's. Don't let your guard down for a second."
"Yes ma'am." Luna was nervous. She was still injured from her fight with Lucci. They would have hilled. If she didn't keep reopening her wounds. Her crew was know fighting another Kuma while she was looking out. Someone is coming near us. But who. This was so confusing. There were so many enemy's. She couldn't pinpoint the admiral. That's bad. That's really really bad. It means he's running and looking for her. Luna sent Dawn and Dusk back and called for Haru. She also swapped to third phase. Her crew just deafened the Kuma. But she was still on look out.

Luna and her crew was relaxing know. Luna was still in third phase. She watched as her crew panted. They needed to hid. But she was being hunted. Luna's grip tightened on Haru when she heard a voice. Luna growled at the man. She dispersed the explosion. She then spoke. "Gin, Sanji, and Zoro. You three are the strongest other then me. Split into three groups and follow one of those three. Don't get caught. I'll stall for you. Know go. Please." It was another plea.

Luna was panting. Kuma was at her feet. In peace's. She was know fighting the axe man from earlier she punched him hard and nocked him out. There were two other Kuma's going after her crew Luna flew. She blocked Kizaru's attack for Zoro. She then cut off his arm and absorbed the light of his arm with Haru. Strengthening Haru even more. She was still in phase three. Kizaru looked at Luna. He was shocked. And he was bleeding. He tried to regrow his left arm but it was to no avail. Luna growled at him. But she still smiled. Her eyes where narrowed at him though. He then looked at her and spoke.
"Your stronger then I thought miss Star Wolf. I wonder. Why are you called Star Wolf. And your crew. There called the Solar pirates." He narrowed his eyes at her in deep thought. Fuck. He's gonna tell sen-goku then I'm screwed. Luna growled at him again. Ignoring the pain and the growing warmth on her side. She was bleeding again. He then spoke again this time shivers ran down her spin. "Well that changes your fate bye quit a bit. You ate the Ginga-ginga fruit. Your a mixture of all three devil fruit types and are the Queen of the land of stars. You can absorb parts of us logia users that you cut off. To think that your what we've been lo-" just then Rayleigh showed up and helped them. She smiled at him.
"Grandpa Ray. Thank you. Thank you so so much."

Luna was stiff. Her crew was running she went up in the air and flew. She attacked the last robot. It burned her left leg. She was hurt. Her wound were re opened and she was trying to make sure her crew was safe. She dived down and tackled the robot. Right before it hit Sanji. She was bleeding and badly to. She then jumped up she was to late. The bot hit Sanji then Ussop. Know Chopper was coming over. "No. Chopper stop. Please. No." Luna grabbed her crew members and jumped away. The bit was confused so she jumped up and ripped of the robots head. She then hit the floor panting. She stiffened. But why. Why did that voice comfort her. Why was it so. So familiar. She was frozen know. Zoro was gone. He disappeared. "No. Zoro." Luna's eyes widened. She was know nervous. She was not strong enough right know. She was weakened. She was bleeding. Shadow ran up to her. Luna grabbed onto him. Using him to help her stand. Not being able to move she did the only thing she could think of. She climbed onto shadows back. She grabbed onto his fur. Gin ran over to her. Luna pulled him onto the back of Shadow. He was know treating her wound. And then it started. Zoro was the first one gone, then it was Brooke, then Ussop, then Sanji, then he talked to Rayleigh, then Franky was gone, shadow was running in there direction at that point, then Nami was gone, shadow took a sharp turn and ran toward Chopper, the next one gone was Chopper, Shadow took another sharp turn Gin still trying to treat Luna's wound on her side, then Robin was gone, Luna screamed, her eyes watered. She. She was crying. Shadow growled. Luna's started to see black. The next thing she knew. Gin was grabbing ahold of her like a life line and she to him and shadow. Her memory's of every single one of them going through her head as she remembered how they joined her crew and how she grew to love them as family. She had walls. And yet some how. They broke every signal one of them. How each and everyone of them were loyal. Just then Kizaru spoke.
"Don't you dare." Kuma ignored him. But spoke to Luna.
"We will never meet again lady Luna. Goodbye." And like that Luna, Gin, and Shadow we're sent off. Together. But it where no one knows.

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