Chapter two - Luna's past, How she got her straw hat, and Buggy the clown

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Zoro and Luna where sailing in the seas when Zoro asked her. "Do you know how to sail?" This earned a sigh from the female who spoke up and said.
"You don't do you?" This caused the male to turn away in embarrassment and caused the female to laugh at the moss green haired male with green eyes. "Yes. I do. I'm not the best at it though. That is why I would like to get a navigator as soon as possible." Zoro just nodded in agreement. The two sat in silence for a little while when Luna asked. "What made you become a bounty hunter?" He looked over at her and said.
"I didn't mean to become one. I sat out to find one man an-" she cut him of and stated rather bluntly.
"You got lost didn't you." This caused the male to blush. He then begin to rant and deny it but the black haired female only ignored him. A blast of wind came in and sent her hat flying. Shit no. No. No. She then reached out to try and catch the said straw hat with a red band. She had a memory of a tall red haired man "this straw hat means more to me then you can possibly know. It's been with me on many a fight." The female looked at the hat and again sprouted the star like wings and went to the hat. "It's something so preaches that I couldn't even give it to you Lulu." The hat was about to go over the sail and into the ocean when she before she grabbed it.

There is a little Luna siting in a bare next to a red haired male. "Can you take me on your next adventure? I wanna be a pirate just like you." The male laughed at her and said "you a pirate. As if." A male with shoulder lengthen blond curly hair and a fat man started to pick on her along with the red haired male. The red haired male offered her juice and again started to laugh and pick on the young girl. She knew that the men all cared for her but it still annoyed her. Then mountain bandits walked into the bar. The young female did not like the way this was going. The man broke a sake bottle over the red haired males head. He begin to clean up the mess. The crew began laughing at what happened the female began to help clean up shanks and the mess.
The bar was empty and in the town square. A young Luna was being beaten for standing up to the male who leads the bandits. There is a flash back of the bandits making fun of the red haired man know as Shanks the female got tired of this and stood up to them saying "shut up shanks and his men are ten times the men you and you band of cowards are." This resulted into a fight between the grown man and the young girl. The mayor came in and try to defend the young girl. The bandit the picked up a sword and cut the females face right next to her eye. Nothing that her hair can't hid. As Shanks was walking for word a male walked up to the side of the male with a gun to his head. "Would you risk your life. Know that you've pulled out your pistol are you willing to use it?" This resulted in the bandits confusion. "I'm saying guns aren't for threats there for action." This resulted into the bandits death. This started an argument between the two groups, Shanks getting pissed. The male through a smoke scream he then grabbed the young female they are know in the ocean the young girl pulled out her dagger and stabbed the male in the leg, help please. The young girl thought that is when the male through her into the ocean and a sea king appeared and ate the bandit it then looked at the young girl and asked are you okay little one. Just when the sea king was going to come over to check on the little girl shanks was seen coming over to her the sea king thinking that the red haired male was going to hurt the female bit his arm right as Shanks grabbed the girl. He then used Haki on the sea king who then left noticing that the girl was in safe hands. A little while the two are seen arguing. That is when the two made the promise and Shanks gave the girl his precious straw hat.

A female and male are seen on a ship when they spot a bird in the sky. The female is taken by said bird and Zoro goes after her. He then lost her due to three men who seem to be pirates. The three then explain that they are a part of buggy crew and who he is. Somewhere else Luna is shot from the sky and landed on the ground. Stopping the chase of a female with strawberry blond hair and light brown eyes and men from Buggy's crew.

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