Chapter twenty three - Dressrosa, running into Sabo, and fighting Doflamimgo

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Law was staring at the crew on this ship. Moreover. The captain. He thought. They all thought in the worst generation that this woman was either stupid or had nervous of steal. Well apparently they were all wrong. She was smart. And really smart by the looks of it. She made her enemy's think she was stupid. And. From the way her crew put it. She was always ten steps ahead and had about four back up plans. Then he remembered what she said when they had to leave. Oh Law. We got time. He's a was away. And. We gotta let them wind down or they'll get stressed and a stressed crew is a dead one. She was right. Not only that. But. She had allies and a bigger crew then he thought. To be exact her crew had a total of 1,626 people with out counting her and her allies were at a total of 46 allies counting him.

Luna smiled at her crew. Yuki and Shadow were walking at her feet while Frost and Rhea flew next to her head. Luna and Law had talked earlier. She had agreed to help hi. With his little birdie problem. Yes. That's exactly what she said to him. He chuckled at that. Which surprised her crew. She had only smiled and walked away. Luna sat down Frost and Rhea landed on her shoulder. Shadow and Yuki laid at her feet. She was eating some chocolate. Her crew were freaking out so. She explained. "Alright. We made a long time alliance. First we're gonna help him out with taking down Doflamingo therefor taking out some of Kaido's spending. Making him weakened. Law, Bonney, and our other allies will help with that. I'll replace Kaido with a close ally. Then we'll take a little break. Heal up. And regain energy. After that we'll go after Big Mom. I'll replace her with my good friend Bonney as a Yonko. Again. We'll take a break then move on to our last and final target. Blackbeard. Now I just need to find someone who can replace Kaido and Blackbeard." Law looked at her confused she smirked at him and spoke. "If I'm going to become king. I need people I can trust. Aka the Yonkos as my main allies, my other allies, and my crew. If we do it like that we'll be able to rival the government. Pirates will be safer. And my father can take down the current government and replace it with a fair one." Luna looked away and was know petting Yuki and Shadow. Frost and Rhea were asleep on her shoulder.

Luna was cleaning her daggers. She looked at the doctor. "Then why don't we kill him." Gin glared at her at that she sighed and spoke. He knew of her promise to her brothers. She looked to him and spoke. "I'm just saying. And you and I both know that no matter how much we want it. That promise no longer holds. One of my brothers are dead there for I can kill. Get to work. Hells coming down. Acuma berst please Franky. Oh and Law. Hang on." And like that they were in the sky. Luna stood. She looked at her blades and put them back. She watched as Nami showed the kid around. Flashes of a small girl running around a marine ship flashed in her head. She smiled.

It was know night. Luna smiled at the girls. "Alright. I'm gonna get into the baths. See ya." Understanding the silent plea they left. Luna walked in and hopped into the bath she leaned back and heard Nami. She hadn't left. Luna spoke she didn't need to look to know that she was looking at the scar and tattoos on her arm. "The scar. On my back. It from the war. Akainu had tried to take down Jimbei while he was carrying my unconscious body to get to me. He got me as well. And. The tattoos. Well they represent people. My brothers and crew."
"Do. Do they hurt."
"There only scars. There already healed. Know. Why don't you join."

Nami didn't mean to stay. But. She was curious. What was her captain like when she was alone. She watched as Luna walked into the bath. Her breath caught into her thought at the sight of her back. A huge X shaped burn scar was on her neck and at the top between two of the lines was a tattoo. She knew just by looking at it that it represents Luna and her brothers. Luna stretched her arms and Nami saw more tattoos. She wanted to cry. Each on had so,etching to do with the crew and Luna's brothers. She was shocked when Luna spoke to her. Even more so when she offered her to stay. Luna was a smart girl. But. She was innocent when it came to love. The Who,e crew noticed this and it made them laugh. Luna was like a mother to everyone she's meet. Well except for five that Nami has meet. These five were Zoro, Sanji, Kidd, Law, and Smoker. Yes a marine. The crew found it funny. Well not Zoro and Sanji. They were kinda annoyed at the thought. Actually there feeling for the captain was part of the reason they fought so much. It was also why they didn't like having Law on board the ship. You may be wondering. How can they tell who does and doesn't like her. Well first there's Zoro. Luna was the only person alive to wake him up and he would only nod. She was also the only one to get him to show emotion. And then there's Sanji. He didn't flirt with or around Luna. Instead he gave her little gifts of food and drinks. Smoker blushed slightly every time he even looked at her. And honestly not even he would chase a pirate as often as he did Luna. Then there were the words Kidd said to Luna. That really pissed her off along with the others that were there. And the fact that Law smiled when she did and that he saved her life. Sorta.

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