Chapter Thirty - New Bountys and Onto the Next Island

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Luna stared at the door as the banging continued. It was so Nami. How she knew. Because it was her sickly sweet voice that spoke up. "Come on Lu~ open the door."
"No!" I could hear Chopper, Brook, and Sanji crying. Why Luna had no idea. But she put her back against the wall sat down and crossed her arms like the mature adult she is. Robin, Jimbei, and Yamato where clearly laughing. Luna could just see Zoro standing right over my door. Waiting for her to open it so he can track her. Leaving Franky and Ussop as the ones throwing things around and throwing fits. She in returned growled.
"It's a big deal! Your a crowned princess of the most powerful species alive!" She cross her arms and comically pout.
"I'm your captain first!" Luna could just hear Nami through her arms up in exasperation. Luna decided to be safe and stay in her rooms until everything calmed down. Even then she got a few bonks on the head.

Luna only leaned back and giggled as she watched her crews reaction to there new bounty's. She only smiled at them. Chopper's was know 1,000 berries he was now the tenth commander of her fleet, Nami's was now 336 million berries she was the ninth commander, Brook's was now at 383 million berries as the eighth commander, Franky's was now at 394 million as the seventh commander, Ussop's was now 500 million berries as the sixth commander, Gin's was now 750 million berries as the fifth commander, Robins was now at 930 million berries as the fourth commander, Jimbei's was know 1.1 billion as the third commander, Sanji's was know 1.032 billion berries as the second commander, Zoro's was know was know 1,100,001,100 berries as the first commander, Carrot and Yamato did not have a bounty yet as there relation ship to Luna was still unknown. They where the eleventh and twelfth commanders. The fact that there relationship to Luna was still unknown was a good thing. It made it so Luna can better is the duo as spies. She could gain more info that way.

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We are not taking you to the one piece yet. There are still things you must do. Our dear little Luna. Luna in return rolled her eyes. She then looked at the news paper. Buggy was also a Yonko. She had a somewhat alliance with him. The only person she had a problem with was Teach. And by any deity out there. The next time Luna saw him. No matter what the voices said. She'll kill him. She'll ripe him apart limb by limb. Then an arrival catches her attention. Luna freeze. Slowly she sat down. She look up. "Shit." Was all she said as she stare at the paper. Vivi and her father where missing. Sabo was thought to have kidnapped them. But that's not what resulted in her cussing. The whole crew was looking at her. Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Gin, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Jimbei, and Yamato. "Grandmas in critical condition. My guess is the government had something to do with it and is trying to blame Sabo. Jokes on them grandma knows and likes Sabo. Sorta." Luna soon started to vent and talk about Ace and Sabo's dream. Then Luna accidentally let her dream slip. Yamato laughed. And the crew all reacted in different ways.

Luna just leaned back. Staring up at the sky. Her instincts where going wild.

Luna was staring. Stiff. In front of her was non other then her god sister. Bonney. "Oh. Hi Lulu."
"Hi Bonney." Luna moved and patted her head.
"You know her Captain." Luna then looked at Jimbei and Chopper. Then she nodded. "Yeah. Bonney is my sister in a way." Bonney smiled at her.

They continued to walk around Luna watched her crew. She didn't like this. Something was off. But she couldn't put a finger on what exactly. They continued to walk around. Then they ran into a pasafista Luna moved and grabbed Bonney right before it could hit her. Luna then grabbed her shoulders and made her look Luna in the eye. "It's not Kuku. My father has the real one. Kuku is safe for know. Calm down." She stared up at Luna. Tears in her eyes. I just pulled her close.

Luna wanted to scream. Everything was wild. So much was happening her brain was starting to shut down. Then they ran into the real Vegapunk. Luna really really wanted to throw him off the island. He spoke with us. Bonney was passed out and Luna was holding her. After a bit Luna threw Bonney to Jimbei and ordered both him and Chopper to leave. After a while of talking with Vegapunk. And reluctantly agreeing to help him out then she ran into Lucci. She growled and pulled Bonney behind her. She was still unconscious. Lucci went straight to attack. Then in return Luna decided to mocked him by bringing both her arms behind her back. Activating her time eye and dodging every attack while giggling and jumping.

Luna ran with the rest. After a long while of running they stopped. Her instincts where going wild. Law was fighting Blackbeard. Kidd was about to fight Shanks. Then Luna stopped. They where calling a buster call on her. Kizaru and one of the five elders where coming here. They where after her head. She stopped. Having originally planned to allow her crew to work on this on there own. Now with the new info she knew they had to leave. Now. So her hand shot out and a bunch of Solar themed attack shot from her fingers. Destroying all the robots in the area. "Everyone get to the ship, Zoro get info. Take the giraffe with you." Luna state. Kicking the unconscious giraffe guy. For the life of her she could not remember his name. Oh well. She remember it sooner or later. Again turning she spoke. "I'll meet up with you later.";

Her head turned. Kidd was gunna get himself killed. Lunas head turned. Watching as Zoro and the Giraffe guy left. Then she looked at Lucci. Why they where helping them. She didn't know. She didn't trust them either. Her hand flew up. Gripping Lucci by the throat. "Why the fuck is a buster call, an admiral, and members of the gorse coming here!" Lucci froze.
"How'd you?"
"You people in the government are idiots!" She threw him aside and took off. Headed somewhere where she can get a better view. Her instincts screaming. So much was happening at once. Koby was captured by Blackbeard. Garp was going to save him. Grandma Rhea was in critical condition. She got injured protecting Sabo, Cobra, and Vivi. Kidd has just been whipped out. By Shanks. She warned him. But did he listen. No. Now here she was. About to face a whole bunch of government officials. With next to no help. On the bright side her abilities where fully awakened. On the bad side. She was about to go into another all out war. But this one. Luna did not plan for. At all.

She blamed her D luck. After a while of running she came to a stop at the top of the island. Straining her abilities as she looked for the ship with the admiral. Better to take out as many as she could as they appeared before they got to close. Right. Don't be to careless child. Do not hesitate. Do not let us regret choosing you.

Luna just glared.

On second thought.

She blamed the voices.


Luna winced at that. Why where they always so loud. But. Yeah. She blamed the voices. There fault. Not hers. Total not hers.

Okay. Maybe a little bit her fault. But just a tinny itty bit her fault. Right? Right!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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