Chapter Twelve - a pirat island, and in need for a ship repair

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(I will be skipping most of the sky pea arc. I don't know what to do with it and honestly don't really like it.)

Luna was. Well. She was annoyed. She was not doing anything wrong. She was a fucking pirate. So. She was not on anyones territory. There is no such thing as territory for pirates. So. She ignored him. Then. They left the monkey man. Who. Was. Extremely. Annoyed. With. This. Man. When the man got on the ship. She kicked him off. Next thing she knew. Her crew was rowing like there was no tomorrow.

Luna and her crew were on there way to an island called Jaya. Something is going to happen. Wonder what that'll be. She thought. Her eyes closed. Her normal smile on her face. Her crew were relaxing. And looking for the island. She looked over and noticed. The ships were pirate ships. Her eyes glowed with excitement. A pirate hang out. I can't wait to see what will happen.
"I don't like that look Captain." Gin said. But was Sadly ignored.
"Zoro, Gin, Nami, come with me." The three nodded so she continued. "The rest of you sat here."

Luna walked around. Her usual smile still on her face. Just then a man feel of his horse. Gin and Zoro helped him onto his horse. He offered them an apple Luna took one. And was sure it was safe. So she took a bit of the apple. Smirking at the man. As an explosion went of. She kept walking. Her three crew members following after her.

Luna giggled as Nami mumbled and complained about her and her antics. Just then a strange man was on top of a building. She ignored it.  Until Gin and Zoro reacted. "Leave it." They nodded at her and followed after her. She smiled at the man. Bellamy. A pirate. She giggled at that. Shadow who was know to her knee rubbed against her leg. Just then a man walked it. She ignored the threes conversation. Well until he threatened her crew. She still smiled. Until he continued to insult her and her crew. Her eyes flashed with anger. This caused Shadow to growl and made Nami, Gin, and Zoro to stiffen. She ignored it and walked out with only a few words.
"I don't need your fucking charity."

Luna sat at a bar. Shadow at her feet. A glass of red rum mixed with Dr. Pepper in front of her. She sipped at it. In her left was Zoro then Gin then Nami. Then the man next to her spoke. She stiffened. There was something wrong with this man. He was off. He looked to her. He then spoke.
"So. You a pirate."
"Yes sir." She answered dryly.
"How bigs your bounty?" He asked.
"My should I tell you. I don't know you. So please. Take your pie and leave." To her surprise he listened.

Luna sipped at her drink. She had a gut feeling something was going to happen here soon. She looked over to Zoro, Gin, and Nami and spoke. "No matter what happens. If I'm spit on, if a bottle is broken over my head, or anything else happens. Do. Not. Fight. Unless. I. Draw. First." It was a request like every other topime she asked them to do something. Never and order. Not unless it was absolutely necessary. They nodded in agreement. She took another sip and the other three went back to what they were doing. A man walked in and spoke.
"I'm looking for a woman with short black hair." Bellamy said. "So you must be Luna the Wolf Star. Didn't know you wore a straw hat."  She ignored it. He walked over and sat next to her. And again spoke. "I'll take a glass from the top shelf an-" Luna cut him off there.
"I got a drink. And like I told your friends earlier. I don't need you fucking charity." She sipped the last of her drink when he put his hand up. She dodged his hand. Her own flew up stopping both Zoro and Gin in there tracks. Just then Nami spoke up and talked to the bar tender. She snapped when he said. Goin my crew just then she snapped and cut him off. "I am anything but a follower. If you think-" she was cut off when he punched her. Which only escalated. Luckily her crew obeyed her request and did not draw there weapons.

Luna walked out of the bar. Gin, Zoro, and Nami followed after her. She only walked past the person from before. He's not a he. Probably a them. She ignored him and continued to walk with Shadow walking on her hills. She ignored the being and continued to walk.

Luna. Well. She wasn't very happy. She wasn't mad. She was more annoyed then anything. This son of a bitch aka Bellamy. Made an associate of hers. And a friend of a few of her crew members sad. No. He insulted him. This bastard needed to be taught a lesson and to also be put in his place. As she walked into the village. Still smiling. The villagers ran away. Just then Bellamy walked out. Before he could say a word to her. She beat the living daylights out of him. She giggled as she walked away. Oh how interesting the peoples here faces were hilarious.

Luna was annoyed. Come on. Why does her crew need to be so. So idiotic. Stupid. And recluse some times. Alright. Never mind. She's being a huge hypocrite right know. Oh well. Oh great. Know there falling. From. The. Fucking. Sky. How amazing. She just layer there. An octopus on her face. She did NOT like skypiea. Not at all. But her crew liked it..... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDING ME OF ALL THE PLACES WE COUKD OF LANDED IT JUST HAD TO BE A FUCKING MARINE BASE. HOW AMAZING. FATE JUST LOVES US DOESN'T SHE. Luna moved.  And fast. Her crew followed soon after words.

Luna sighed. Marin's were such a pain in her ass. Luckily. They escaped the base. And we're free to sail another day.  That does not mean that she was not mad though. They need a new ship. There's is tattered and destroyed. There's nothing that she can do about it though. The only problem. Is Ussop. He will not be happy. He will leave the crew. But. He will also return. The call of the sea is to strong. And so is his love for this crew. The only problem will be Zoro. He might not agree for him to be on the crew again.

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