Chapter eighteen - Boa Hanchock, Amazon Lily, and A brothers Exacution

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Luna hit the ground. Hard to. Then. Gin landed on top of her. Even harder. Then. Shadow landed on them. Yeah. That hurt like hell. She only shoved them both off of her. She looked around and realized that they were in a forest. That's when reality hit her. She and her crew weren't separated. They were saved by what would of been there death. And her. She doesn't know what they would do to her. And she didn't want to know. She and her crew were saved by a war lord. But why. What was his game. Nothing was for free in this world. So why. She will never get the answered as his final words ran in her head. What did he mean by that. FUCK. all this thinking hurt her head. But. Where were they. And why were they sent here.

Luna helped Gin to his feet. Shadow also jumped to his feet and walked up to Luna. With a sigh she looked at them. Then to the trees and spoke. "We need to be careful. We don't know where we are so. Let's hope from tree to tree. That way it's harder for us to be seen." They nodded. And with that. They jumped up to the trees and then jumped from branch to branch. She stoped on one the other two did as well. Luna pulled out the Vivire card if Rayleigh. She then started to follow it. The other two hot on her tail. They had reached a cliff. Luna could tell thatGin and Shadow were hungry.

Luna, Gin, and shadow slept. Luna was still bleeding. Luna felt prodding. She ignored it she was still hearting. She couldn't open her eyes. She felt water running down her body. Heard the splashing of water. Luna heard a scream. She listened more. Luna hissed when someone touched her wound. "SHES AWAKE." A person screamed. Then she heard another scream. But blacked out before she could understand what was said.

Luna woke up. And wanted to scream. She was in different clothing. Clothing. She didn't put on. And she was in an unfamiliar place. She started to panic. Then she saw Shadow and sighed in relief. But. She couldn't find Gin. She then looked at her outfit. She had a crop top on. Her breast exposed. Her sleeves were long. She had long jones on with a golden belt. Her clothing was a purpleish blue color. Her robotic arm still in place. She had shoes on as well. She looked around she saw her hat and dagger. She walked over to them and attached her dagger to her leg. She then placed her hat on her head.

Luna walked out and heard laughter?  It was Gin

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Luna walked out and heard laughter?  It was Gin. But. What was he laughing at. Luna growled at what she saw. Just as they before they released there arrows Luna through her self between the woman and Gin. She then spoke. "What the fuck do you think your doing to my crew mate." The woman froze at that. She took that as her time to run. She broke the cage and ran. Pulling Gin after her. After a while she started to jump from roof to roof. Realization struck her and she looked for her Vivire cards. She found it. All three of them. But she froze in place at the looks of Aces. It was burning. Ace was in danger. He'd be fine. If he needed her he would call. Right.

Luna, Gin, and Shadow were still jumping from roof to roof but were some how unseen. Luna had made them invisible to the naked eye. Only she could see them. And them her. It was know sunset and there was. No one in sight. Just then the three became visible. Her ability had worn off. The three continued until luna sighed. And spoke. "As I feared. We're on Amazon lily. Run by the Pirates Emperor Boa Hancock. The only man to over live and been born on the island. He can also turn anyone who has. Bad. Thoughts of him to stone." She looked at Gin who nodded. They then continued to jump from roof to roof. Luna had taken a wrong step. And fell into the baths of the very person she was trying to avoid. Boa Hancock.  And. He glared at her. She then cussed and apologized. Which went ignored.

Luna was confused as fuck

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Luna was confused as fuck. This man. Was hanging onto her like a life line. She looked to Gin for help but he only laughed at her. She growled at him. Gin then read the news paper and stiffened. She looked at him and spoke. "What's wrong Gin. Let me see that as well. I need to check something." He looked at her. And reluctantly handed her the news paper. She read the head of the news paper and stiffened. Just then Hancock. As he practically begged her to call him when she was calling him Boa. Spoke.
"What's wrong. Lulu." Luna looked to him and growled then spoke back.
"Please. Just. Call. Me. Luna." He wouldn't listen. He will just change the nick name. Like the last three hundred times. But then an idea struck her. She looked to him and asked him a question. Her hands shacking. "Did you know. About Fire Fist Aces execution." He looked to her in confusion. Then answered her question. A bit of jealousy in his voice as he spoke. Why. Luna did not know. And didn't really want to know.
"Yes. Why." Luna looked to him. Desperation and hope in her eyes and she spoke.
"He's my brother." She was know completely facing him. "Can you please help me save him. Please." Hancock looked to her. And smiled at her as he spoke.
"Of course. If that's what you which. It will happen. I will give you the world if you asked." Luna had a distant memory of her brothers, grandpa, and Shanks saying the exact same thing. Great. Another overprotective man. How amazing.

Luna, Gin, Shadow, and Hancock were know on a Naive ship. Headed to Impel Down. To save Luna's brother. They were in Hancock's privet room he had called for food. Then pulled Luna into his grasps again. Hugging her close. She growled at that and looked to Gin for help. Who was again laughing at her. Shadow growled at him and latterly dragged Luna away from him. Luckily he only pouted. Just then they arrived at Impel Down.

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