Chapter six - Louge town, Captain Smoker, who is the man in the cloak

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The Going Marry was sailing thought the sea. Luna sate on the figurehead of the ship. She was playing with her ability's. Creating different shapes made out of stars. As the years she relished that she was indeed a star. Unlike most people, she was made up of Gas, Fire, rocks, ice, and pretty much anything that a star is made out of. She can manipulate it to. Therefore she can somewhat teleport by separating the different forces in her and making in into knew ones. In a way its a lot like when a star dies and a new one is born just with out the big ass explosion. Her lion or spear Haru he is the second oldest he is the spirit of the sun, he is a kind, gentle, brave, protective lion. Her twin pistols, Dawn and Dusk, are twins that are the spirits of the sunrise and sunset, they are the middle ones, they are both tricksters, smart, reckless, and protective fox spirits. Her blade and wolf spirit is Reiki the youngest, is a brave, brut, harsh, protective, fierce, and a bit of an ass, is the spirits of the moon. Eclipse is the oldest she a bow and arrow, also dragon spirit, Is the most dangerous of the all. She is extremely protective of her masters and masters family and friends. Week maybe that because of what will happen if the said master can control her... ah you'll find out about that latter. When she is awaken, there will be hell because that means that the host aka Luna will be closer to full power and will only grow stronger. Most of the Ginga - Ginga No Mi's hoists have all died before even reaching that point, fuck they all died before they even unlocked Reiki. Which is very sad if you ask Luna. She loves her spirits and she knows that they love her.

"cap." Yelled out Nami. "It looks like we are getting loser to the grand line."
"We got to stop at log town first." She was about to start talking again but Zoro cuts in and started talking. She zoned it out cause she already knows what that was about. She can't help but wonder what will happen when we get there? I mean she is already a known pirate by now. That will make getting past Smoker much harder know. He might not know what she looks like it which might help her a bit. Ehh we will see when they get there.

Luna was walking away from her and Namis bunk. Nami was sleeping right know. So was the rest of the crew. She may have told them what happened. But not the result of it. She lost her right arm that day. And to replace it a transparent arm made of stars and space replaced. A lot like her wings. That was why she wore a glove over her arm. She currently did not have her glove on. She then headed a sharp gasp from behind her. SHIT! She thought. She whipped around so fast it was like she was always facing him. Gin stood in front of Luna. Forgot that he was on night watch. I was so caught up in my thoughts that a spaced it out. She pulled up her glove while she stared at Gin. He looked her in the eyes. She Thani sight. Raised her hand up to her mouth in a shushing motion and made a hand jester for him to follow her. Gin was silent the whole way up. He looked at her and couldn't help but connect the dots. The explosion. She was NOT just burned it that explosion... she lost her arm in that explosion as well. He was know frozen in spot. His breath caught in his throughs know. "Don't feel bad. It happened years ago. I am perfectly fine... Do not tell the others. They will know when the time is right. Alright Gin." Hoe does she always now what we are thinking or felling at the moment. He can not help but admire her.she was the best not perfect captain. He look at her again. He what seems to be permanent smile on her face. He loved that smile he cared for her. Like a little sister... or mother. She was mother like at moments... wait... how old is she. "Captain. How ol-" again she cut him off "seventeen" he froze at that. She was so young yet such a great leader. One of the best. He can't help but smile at that she will become the Pirate king. No one deserves that total more then her. And i no the whole crew will be sure of that. She has done so much for us all. He looked up at there flag then at the rising sun. He went to look at her but she was gone. He then looked at the figure head and smiled there she was sitting down. The others began to fill in and get to work. When he saw them look to see where she was he knew that they felt the same way about there captain as he did.

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