Chapter fourteen - Water Seven, protecting Robin, Lunas grandpa's & her father?

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Luna was relaxed but still stiff. Aokiji will know there next stop. No doubt he will tell her Jiji. Which means. Her crew will meet him. And she might just be screwed over. Her Jiji wanted her to be a Marine or a Marines wife. How tearable is that. Marriage no thank you. She does not want to be tied down. Her grandpa knew that. That's why he thought being a Marine was a good idea but Luna wanted to be free. She wanted to do what she wanted when she wanted. To not be tied down by laws and rules. Yeah she could have been a bounty hunter but she will still need to follow rules and laws. But. If she were a pirate. She didn't need to follow rules. And the bigger her bounty. The bigger her rank as a pirate was. It was kinda an unspoken statement with pirates. The bigger your bounty. The higher up the food chain you were. The huger up you were. The more respect you got. It's just common sense.

Luna was brought out of her thoughts by the ship crashing into something. Yeah. They really needed a ship repair/replacement. The Going Marry has reached the end of her rope. Welp. We're almost to Water Seven. Fuck. We're close to the marine base. She giggled at the sight. She loved how they reacted. This was supper funny. When the island was brought up. Luna put her hand on Robins arm. She smiled at her to comfort her. Luna smiled at the lady when she offered her and her brew some help. With that Luna and the crew left for Water Seven.

Luna sat down next to Robin when they started talking about the shipwright. Luna looked at Robin and spoke. "I don't know or care about your past. You are you. And you are my friend. And you can't get ride of me. No matter how hard you try. I will always return to you and protect you. That's a promise." Without even looking at her Luna walked away.

Luna was confused. Very confused. They aren't scared. They were helping them. She then started to walk while talking. "Nami, Ussop, Gin, you three come with me. The rest of you will stay and watch the ship. SHADOW COME!" With that they left. They got some bulls and left. Nami with Ussop and the gold, and Luna with Gin and Shadow.

Luna, Gin, Ussop, and Nami were going through the town. Accepting the help that the villagers offered her she honestly felt strange. She giggled and laughed as they went down hill. While the others. Well the others just screamed bloody murder. Next thing she knew. They were in the shopping district. There's something wrong. They went into the elevator. Luna grabbed a hold of Shadow who was on her lap. Such a loyal animal he was. He followed Luna everywhere. Luna was looking at the shipwrights. She asked what happened. So the man explained to her what had happened. As she looked at the shipwrights she felt no pull. So she didn't ask any of them to join. No she will wait for the right one. Luna smiled and nodded agreeing with Nami. So of they went to trade out the gold. But then she had a gut feeling. Robin. Don't do anything you might regret. With that Luna continued to walk. Shadow following after her.

Luna stretched her arms as she waited for the gold to be cashed out. She growled at him. He was lying to her. She hatted liars. Luna allowed Nami to take care of this. With that being taken care of. She and her walked out. Gin, Ussop, and Nami carrying the suitcases. Luna had a bad feeling about this. They were being watched. She didn't like this. Not one bit.

They had just reached the ship yard. Now they needed to look for a man named Iceburg. Just then on of the men walked over. She cleared her throat. "I apologize for the disturbance. But we have come here to meet a mister Iceburg. Here I have a letter of introduction." With that Luna handed him the letter. Luna then stood there ignoring what the man had to say. Her crew was listening to that. No. She was looking at the people here there is a CP9 agent here maybe more then one. The only question was who was it. What did they want. Who were they after. And why. She was pulled out of her thoughts when they started talking about Iceburg. Nami was talking to him. "We are anchored bye the cove. How you gonna get there." Just then he took of in a sprint. Just then a man spoke up. Cutting her off. Before she even started. So this is Iceburg.

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