Chapter twenty five - Escaping big mom pirates and New wanted posters

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Luna's eye snapped open. She felt no. Sensed that Sanji was in danger. They were again trying to capture her. She. She couldn't move though. But. She was not going to sit here and allow Sanji to get killed so. She closed her eye and Concentrated on the moon willing it. No. Commanding it to heal him. A silver light appeared around his injured shoulder healing him. Her eye blurred stars feeling her vision. Then black spots. She again closed her eyes. Passing out.

Luna was hurting like hell. Chopper was prodding and poking at her. But. She stayed silent. She knew that he was just worried about her. Luna was currently staring at four glaring animals. Aka a mad Shadow, Yuki, Frost, and Rhea. Luna sighed. She then looked around her. Well fuck. There pissed. Chopper stopped his moving and Luna sighed. She know also had a glaring Gin, Sanji, Nami, Carrot, and Chopper looking spat her. Luna cussed. Then groaned. The growled. Then again cussed. Luna then sighed. Through her hand over her eyes. Eye. She doesn't even know right know. "Not now. I'm tired and wanna sleep." Was all she said. After that. She passed out. Right smack down in the middle of the deck.

Luna's eye snapped open. She yawned then stretched. Luna stood up. And sneaked away from her crew. Luckily unnoticed. Luna smiled as she reached her room. She changed. Finally. Out of the blasted dress that Nami put her in. Luna wore a black captain coat with, a dark grey shirt with black and brown striped pants, a leather belt, and a wrap around her stomach. Her right sleeve and left pant leg were torn off. She wore black and brown boots and a choker necklace.

Luna was know standing next to her crew a big smile on her face

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Luna was know standing next to her crew a big smile on her face.

Katakuri smiled at the information that his sister gave him. "I. I like her Brulee. I really really like her." Brulee smiled at him. She sighed and spoke.
"I'm gonna tell everyone then. And. We all know that mama will still want us to capture her. So. Maybe you'll get to see her again."

Shanks was smiling. His pup had come so far. He remembered when she was younger. How she instantly took to him. How he instantly took to her. How she was strong for her age and held a aura of power around her. It was hidden. And barely noticeable then. The next time he saw her it was even stronger but contained. How long will she keep it contained. But. The main thing he remember is how unstable she was mentally. He hadn't known at first. She was always smiling. But. Makino gave it away one day. Poor little Luna. She had watched her first care tater. Die right in front of her. Due protecting her. Luna didn't talk about her. And he never pushed. Not until she broke down and almost lost control one day in a forest. He shook his head at that. He will not think of that. Nor talk about it until she is ready. Luna was his daughter in everything but blood. And he loved her more then life it's-self.

The Village Luna grew up in was quiet. Until they got the new paper then they freaked out. And a party broke out. Garp was laughing his ass off. While Sen-goku glared at him.

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