Extra - cause I can and wanted some bonding time with these four

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Luna sate with a black flag in front of her. She had paints of white, blue, purple, and etc. by her side she had just finished painting it and was waiting for it to dry. "I've got a name for our group. What do you think of the solar pirates?" She asked.
"I like it." Nami said.
"Nice." Zoro stated.
"I like it too. But what about our mark?" Ussop asked.
"I'll show you in a second. It's drying right know. And before you ask yes I can draw."
"Really?!" Zoro and Nami asked.
"Yes. Now I'll cook. Yes I can cook. I'm an open book if you want to know something about me I'll tell you. If I wanna that is. But chances are you'll find it out sooner or latter." Luna stated as she walked to the kitchen. She was pulling out ingredients. To cook there dinner when Nami spoke up.
(Key - Zoro, Nami, Ussop, all three of them, and Luna)
"How old are you."
"What are all the weapons you can use?"
"Hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, archery, sniping, I can also use a spear, and daggers as well." Luna then handed them there food and walked out to grab the flag. She then walked in and sat it down to show her crew her work.

"There it is" she stated

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"There it is" she stated.
"Do you know you family?" Ussop finally asked. They had all been wondering this. Luna sighed at this but still answered.
"Yeah. I have my Jii-chan, two sworn or adopted brothers they are both 20, and I don't know who my father or mother are I never met them,Jii-chan was the one who raised me. Sorta."
"DON'T FUCKING YELL, and... he would leave me on islands all by my self for months, through me into bottomless pits, into cliffs, and so on. After a while he left me on Dawn Island where I met Shanks and his crew. He then came to visit me found out about the fact that I want to be a pirate. Then left me with mountain bandits to 'nock some sense into me'. That's where I met my brothers. They also wanted to be pirates... then the incident happened." She grabbed her right arm that was still covered with the glove that went up to her shoulder and the long sleeve of her red jacket that went to her elbows with a black crop top under it, black jeans, with boots and an armband on her left hand. (Picture below pretend the right arm has a glove and that the band is on the left side.)

She sighed and spoke up again

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She sighed and spoke up again. "But that's a story for another time. Right now it's dark. I'll take first watch tonight. For know you guys get sleep. Zoro come and take over around midnight. Okay." The said male nodded as they went to there respected rooms. (Males and/or females rooms)

Monkey D. Luna (One Piece Fem. Luffy Story)Where stories live. Discover now