Chapter twenty six - the meeting, Luna's Grandma, and teamed up on

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Luna stretched her arms over her head. She had some how avoided the scolding that the others were going to give her earlier. She then sneezed. Someone was talking about her. It's been happening a lot lately. She sighed. Someone must be talking about me. Was all she could think. Little did she know was that she was indeed being talked about at that exact moment.

Sabo was laying down and. Gushing over his sister. Ignoring the prodding of the others. At the same time Iva was also talking about her. "Wolf Star girl sure is something. She truly is your daughter..." he then went on to talk about Sanji.

Akainu or as he is now known as Sakazuki was glaring at the poster in front of him. The bounty was of a woman. With midnight black hair and a dark brown almost black eye. She was standing tall. He was annoyed and was know yelling at an officer. After yelling at him. He needed a plan. They need that woman. She was dangerous. But they couldn't kill her. No litterly. They couldn't kill her. Not without a certain wood that is to be mixed with sea prison stone. But the wood is gone. The last user of the fruit who made it as far as she did destroyed every last bit of it. And know. The only way for her to die is of sickness, old age, or blood loss. Not only that but. She was useful. If we could only find her weakness. He froze at that. They did know her weaknesses. Her love. Her love for her family. Her brothers. Her grandpa. Her family. He can't use Garp. But. Her brother. Sabo. And. He had a sinister gut turning smirk. He was going to have to talk to Vegapunk about that weapon he was having him make. Hopefully it will be done.

Luna had a shiver run down her spin. Someone found out one of her weaknesses. She cussed silently. Thing just keep getting harder and harder. What is she to do. Her eyes glanced over to her crew. She will protect them. Her crew was her family. And she will protect them.

Right in the front of Marjory wick was called red port royals appeared. The people began to run to the ports to meet them. First was Beer VI of the Roshwan Kingdom. Then it was the Mateyoshesses. Then Queen Morollon of the Tajine Kingdom. Then King Taco of the Kingdom of the dead. Then King Ham Burger of the Ballywood Kingdom. Then it was King Neptune and his family from Fishman Island. Garp had arrived at the exact same time. To escorts the princess. At the same time two admirals we're talking. Vegapunk. He had finished a weapon. He says that it will bring Luna the Wolf Star to her knees. And. How they no longer needed the War Lords on there side.

Sabo was annoyed Stelly was there. He had meet the boy once and he hated him. Fuck. Luna didn't like him. And neither did Ace. Flashback of him and Ace getting in trouble with Luna. Like always saving there asses from death flashed in his mind. He looked over to his partner and spoke. "The only siblings I have are Luna and Ace. He is nothing to me." He then continued on with his mission.

Garp was. Well. He was annoyed. This kid was getting on his nerves. This kid really thought he'd listen. The only person he listened to was his grand-baby Luna. Everyone knew that by know.

Vivi and Rebecca were know talking about Luna. They talked about how she saved them. How she became there friend. How she saved there kingdom's and family. How they loved and cared for her. And. Who Luna was to them. How they loved. Respected. Cared. For her. How they wanted to stay by her side as a friend. Just then Shirakoshi glided over and also joined in on the conversation. Her brother came over and when she said she was indebted to her they sauce that they were two. They remembered her words to them. Your voice is heard by us Vivi. It's heard by me. And I will come running when you need me. I promise. Vivi smiled at the memory. Luna was her best friend and she missed her dearly. Shirakoshi. Let's go for a walk one day. A nice long one in a forest. I promise we will. One day. Shirakoshi laughed and smiled at the though. She loved Luna like the big sister/mother she never had. I bet your happy. Rebecca. To see your dad. Hey. If you ever need my help. Just call. I'll be there before you know it. Rebecca also smiled. Luna was amazing she looked up to the female. She saw her as a mother figure. To these three girls. Luna could do no wrong. She always had a reason. She was a mother. A big sister. A friend. A angel. A goddess. They loved and looked up to the girl with one leg and arm. With a signal eye and a kind an gently personality and smile.

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