Chapter twenty seven - wano, plan in action, and prison

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Luna had some how gotten separated from her crew. Luna then shot up. Sunny. She stood up and started to sprint around. She needed to find Sunny. She let out a sigh of relief when she finally found her. Luna let out a sigh of relief. She walked over to her and put her hand on her. She then smiled at the ship. She then heard banging. She hissed. When something rammed into her ship. Rhea, Frost, Yuki, and Shadow were surrounding her. Luna stood stiff. She was standing between the animals and her ship. Just then. She sensed a gun being aimed at her.She didn't even look. But. She dodged the built. She used her ability and beat them. "It's so noisy." She looked over to the baboon and used her hakki to make it come to its knees.

Luna moved quickly. She kicked the man to the other side of the forest. She laughed at the words the girl said which were "I surrender." She cut her of before she could continue.
"You don't need to surrender my dear. I know you mean no harm. I will not do anything to you. Know. Come here." She smiled at the girl as she pulled something of her cheek and feed it to the baboon. Well tried to. Then she through it into its mouth. She smiled at the girl. "Dear. My name is Luna. What is yours and. Can you tell me if I'm in wano ir not." The girl smiled up at her and spoke.
"My name is Otama. And yes. Mama"
"Thank you Tama. You okay with me calling you that right... wait. Mama? What made you call me that?" Tama seemed to get nervous at that.
"A mother is a mother." Luna laughed at that
"Is that so. Well then. I guess I'm your mother then." Tama was know jumping for joy.

Luna smiled sadly at the girl. Who was currently asleep. She looked to her care taker and spoke. She was told the story between her and Ace. "I. I hate to be the bearer of bad news." He looked over at her at that. "You see. Ace is my brother. And. He has passed. Executed. To be exact. I was there. And tried to stop it. But I was teamed up on and injured." She knew that Tama was listening in. So. When she started to cry Luna grabbed her and brought her to Luna's chest in a hug. When Tama calmed down Luna stood up and spoke. "I need to blend in. Can you help me with that dear. Tama jumped with joy at that. She then grabbed a hold of Luna. Letting out small couches as she did.

Luna was stiff in the outfit she wore. A kimono like dress the outside was golden while inside looked like a starry night.  It was skin tight and showed off her figure. Her selves were detached from the dress. Her left leg was hidden with the clothing while the
sleeves could easily be put onto her arm without harming her robotic arm or the fabric. And. It was easy to move in. But. She was also warring black heals. Luna smiled at the girl. Effectively hiding her discomfort.

Luna looked over to Tama and smiled at her

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Luna looked over to Tama and smiled at her. She then spoke up again. "Okay. Now for your hair mama." Luna smiled at the girl and sat down in front of her. She leaned back as Tama did her hair. A small smile on her face. When she was done with Luna's hair Luna stood up and looked in the mirror. Her inky black hair was half up. Some of it was in a bun. Some looped into the bun showing of her pointed ears while the remaining of the long hair was braided and layer over her shoulders in front of her.

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