Chapter four - Enter Sanji, the Baratie. Hawkeye Mihawk, Luna's uncle?

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"YO! Ussop get over here real quick!" Luna shouted.
"Yeah!" Ussop said as he came running.
"See that rock over there. I want you to shoot it with this cannon." The female ordered.
"Yes ma'am!" He then shot the canon and got it on the first try.
"Alright then. You'll be our sniper. And no you can not be the canon that is my job." She then walked into the kitchen and spoke while she was cooking. "There's one more position we need to feel. I can indeed cook. But it would be so much easier on me if we had an actual cook on board the ship." She stated earning a nod from the other three. They then heard a crash outside the ship the three went out as Luna stayed behind to clean up her mess. Ignoring the loud noises from outside. She then heated something that caught her attention "big bro Zoro?" ....Zoro has a little brother?.... Nahhh it's probably like me and my brothers. Wonder how there doing.

Luna walked out and stated rather bluntly "What the hell is going on here. And you know this guy Zoro?" The female asked the moss green male. The female only ignored the twos conversation. As she looked at the sea. The female followed the two males when they ran to the side of the ship. Shit! THESE FUCKING IDIOTS. THIS IS EHY WE NEED A COOK ON THE SHIP. "You are complete IDIOTS! Nami you keep care of this. Im not in the mood to baby sit." She stated as she walked away. She then looked over to see what Ussop was doing. "You FUCKING IDIOT. Hell shock if you do that." Just the the male woke up and started chocking. She ran up and patted his back then sighed in irritation.

After a while it was know night the black haired female ignored the three then stated. "We needed a cook as soon as possible." She listened to the other male with the tattoo speak. Ignoring the fact that he was ordering HER and HER Crew around and listened.

The next morning they arrived at a restaurant as a marine ship pulled to them.
"I've never seen that pirates flag." He placed his hand on the side of his ship and spoke again. "I am Ironfist Fullbody, you there who is you captain?" Luna then walked up whole covering up Ussop face so he does not say anything stupid.
"My name is Monkey D. Luna. I apologize for my ships appearance. We went through some rough waters and needed to create a fake flag." The male nodded. And spoke again.
"I see well just be sure to take it down as soon as possible."
"Yes sir." The female answered as she looked up at there flag. Ignoring the confused looks given her way.

The six pulled up to the ship

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The six pulled up to the ship. Nami was staring ate a wanted poster. The female sighed. "You two will stay here and watch the ship. You will also Fix. My. Ship. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear." The female stated. Well more like scolded the two. "The rest of you will come with me to gain a new member to the crew. Okay now let's go." The four had just walked in when they saw the marine destroy a table. The black haired female took notice and started to slowly walk over. She stoped when the blond kicked Fullbody in the head. She laughed. Hard. When the female saw his condition she laughed even harder. She walked over to Zoro, Nami, and Ussop. "I like him" she whispered to them " that's the one who will join us. We will not leave until I convince him. If it takes more then a month we will leave. Got it." The three nodded at there captain.

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