Chapter twenty two - the new world, Punk Hazarded, and a journey with Law

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Big mom was. Well. She was even more interested in this girl. She wanted this girl. She wanted her to marry her son. She knew which one will be able to rope her in and keep her in check.

Luna had just explained what had happened to the others and the king. She laughed at there reactions. Luna was just laughing. As Nami hit Sanji and Zoro. She loved her crew. The king had agreed to take down big moms flag and to put her flag up in it's replacement. In a frame was the Solar Pirates flag.

Luna was smiling

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Luna was smiling. She was exited. She was going to the New World. And. She couldn't wait to see what will happen. She needed knew that she needed more allies. So. That's the first thing she'll do. She walked into her room her crew doing there own things and called Marco. He answered it and spoke first. "Hello. Luna. What you need captain-ya?"
"We are just leaving Fishman island. I need you to look out for some possible allies. I would also like it if we can. Postpone our meet up. I need to check out a few things. And. Apparently Big Mom has been wanting to meet me. We might end up needing to go after her first. For know we will stick to the plan. If needed we will swap around and do Big Mom first then Kaido, for know stick to the plan. But things are not going the way I wanted. So. Well wait for a while. Cause some trouble to keep my phased. So. Call me if there is any problems on your end." There was a small silence then Marco spoke.
"Big mom. That's troubling. Alright I'll really your or-I mean requests to the allies and the rest of the crew. So far everything is good on our end. Blackbeard is again causing troubl-" Luna cut in at that.
"Speaking of Blackbeard why the fuck didn't anyone tell me that he's after me. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is for both me and the rest of the crew. With me not knowing things like that it makes us underprepared which can cause death. So. Please. The moment you get any kind of info like that tell me." Again silence.
"Your right captain. We will no longer withhold info from you. Apologies." Luna sighed
"How many times must tell you and the rest that when it's not serious meaning not in a battle or in a meeting with other pirates it's just Luna. We're getting close to the surface gotta go. Don't forget about the next call. Bye." With that Luna hung up and walked out of her room.

Luna had walked out just when they reached the surface of the water. They broke through and guess what the first thing she saw was. The fucking naive. Amazing right. And of course. She was surrounded by the marines. She was laughing she was hanging from a rope. She then spoke. "Don't backdown. Give ''em hell." They then split up into groups. Just when she was about to attack it was a mirage. Great. Bad leather. "Aww man. I was itching for a good fight with the marines."

Luna and her crew had just helped a little giant. Named lily get her dad back. Know they were leaving for the next island. Which they just reached. She reacted fast. She didn't think and answered. She heard a cry for help. And. She answered like always. Yeah. Of course we'll help ya. We're on our way. Yeah. They drew lots to see who would go with her. Yeah in the end it was Robin, Zoro, and Ussop who was going in with her.

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