Chapter twenty nine - an admiral, wano under Luna's protection, and leaving Wano

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Luna and her crew ran. Luna had Tama in her arms. After all. Luna was Tama's new care taker. Luna had adopted the girl not to long ago. Her legs pushed her to go faster. She then heard them. The voice of all things spoke to her. It's time child. It's time for you to go to the. One Piece. You've waited long enough. The time has finally come. But. It will not be easy. We will guid you though. Luna smirked. She nodded. Alright. When do I leave. She got no answer. But. She kept running. A marine is here for you child. Hurry. It was the sky who spoke this time. That's what I'm doing.

Luna cussed. She didn't know what to do. Then. She sensed Shanks Hakki. And. She smirked. She then stopped running. "We're all right. Shanks scared him off. We. We don't need to fight an admiral."

Luna looked at the people who stood next to her. Tama was in her arms. She looked to Momo. "Put my flag up. Kaido's kept you safe. If you put my flag up most will think twice before attacking you." She smiled when. Momsuke tried to deny it. But. In the end. Luna won.

Luna laughed as Carrot freaked out about being the next leader of the minks. "Carrot. You don't need to be on my ship to be a part of my crew. Here take my Vivire card. And you have my snail number. So you can call me when you need me and I you." She smiled at carrot as she continued to freak out. A small smile on her face.

Luna sat in a room with her crew Tama sat in her lap. Just then Shinobu walked in. She looked. Beatiful. Anyways. Luna looked down at Tama. She had talked to Shinobu earlier about taking her in as her student. To which she agreed. "Tama. Dear." Tama looked to Luna.
"Yes Mama."
"I'm sorry my dear but currently you can not come with me. Let me finish. There is no doughy in my mind that my crew would protect you but. You are too young. And not quiet yet strong enough to come with me." Tama looked down at that. "I talked to Shinobu. She will take you in as her student. I'll come to see you when ever I can. And. When you are strong enough I will take you out to sea with me. Okay." Tama looked up at Luna. A small sad smile on her face. Tears pricking at her eyes.
"Okay. I understand." Luna smiled then handed Tama a small piece of paper that was in a small jar necklace.
"This is a Vivire card. It tracks my life. When the paper burns I'm more the likely in a fight. As long as the paper is there I am alive." Tama shot up and hugged Luna like there was no tomorrow.
"I love you Mama." Luna slightly stiffened at that her eyes looking to her crew who where all smiling at her. Luna slowly hugged Tama back.
"I love you too. Tama."

Luna walked to her room and went to put on a new outfit. She wore a golden bead necklace with a golden banged brackets on her left hand. She had a white blouse with a slevles black vest. A black and gold corset over her vest and a black cake connected to her corset with leather belts on top of it. Dark brown pants and black leather combat boots. Connected to one of her belts. The lowest one where her twin daggers. On the middle belt where her twin hand pistols. On the top belt where her twin Katanas. Her Sword and spear where strapped to her back and her straw hat sat upon her head.

Luna shook her head as she looked at the logepose

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Luna shook her head as she looked at the logepose. Go south East. "Well I'm going South East. There were all set. Laws going North East. And Kidds going East. Bye!" Luna smiled as she walked over to her ship. "Man marked by flames?" Luna slightly had a twist in her Stomach. She didn't like the sound of that. Not at all. She only sighed and looked at her crew. Are you sure I should go this ways. Yes child. Go south East. Okay then.

Luna was trying desperately to get her crew ready to set sail. Yamato on her crew as the newest member. Her eyes kept glancing to the Island. Know don't get her wrong. She loved Wano. She wanted to go though. She was closer to the one piece. Closer to her dreams. Closer to most of her crews dreams as well. Not only that but they had no idea what was happening while they where on this isolated island. She cussed when she heard a familiar voice. Her eyes glanced to the side looking at Momo and Kin'emon. She hadn't even set foot on her ship yet. Keiko sighed looked to her crew for help before full blown being tackled by the two males. She yelped. Her wounds from the battle still asked and the surprise of the tackle slightly hurt her. She growled at the two. Ignoring Momonosuke as he cried and begged her to stay. Only glaring at the two as they continued.

Keiko only smiled as the boy continued to cry and speak to her. Her eyes slightly watering. She glanced to her crew "Ussop." He through her a black fabric. Ti which she threw at Momo. "Listen hear squirt. I think of ya as a little brother. Therefor your stuck with me whether you like it or not. Put my flag up and hold onto this. You've heard me explain what it is plenty of times. The moment I need you or you need me. I'll come a running and I know for a fact that you will do the same..." her eyes glanced at the two males. "If either of you ever want to be pirates just give me a holler. Just remember. I don't allow weaklings in bored." Luna turned her back. Waving to them as she walked onto her ship. "And remember. If anyone comes looking for trouble point then to my flag and let them no. If there picking a fight with you. There also picking a fight with Luna the Wolf Star." She looked over her shoulder and smirked at the two. Ignoring there words as she stood on the deck of her ship.

Luna leaned back on her ship. Her eyes closed. Listening to the waves as she sailed off. Ignoring Yamato as she ran around the ship. Looking from room to room. A small smirk on her face as her ship sailed. Two more members sailing with her. Jimbei and Yamato. Her eyes looked to the cloud free sky. The ship rocked and the waves crashed. She missed the sound and the smell. Her eyes again closed. Oh how she missed the sea.  The sea was her home and she loved it so. Her eyes opened for a second. Her grandma has got to be mad at her. That's when Luna remembered. She has yet to tell her crew of her social states. She glanced to her side. Slowly standing up and walking to her door. Knowing the exact reaction she was going to get. "Hey guys. There's something I got to tell ya..." she watched as her crew looked to her. "Okay so. I'm half fae and my grandmother is the queen of the fae therefore I'm the crowned princess and the next ruler of the fae. Bye." Taking her crews shock as her escape she opened her rooms doors and jumped into her rooms locking them shut. To her luck that was the moment her crew finally snapped out of there shock.
"WHAT!?" And now they where screaming bloody murder at her. And someone was throwing things. And someone was banging on her door. Another voice was demanding her to unlock the door. Someone was crying and freaking out. She only sighed.
"Will any god, demon, or deity give me mercy for one day please?" She knew she was not going to get it. But hey. A girl can hop and wish right?

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