Chapter Seven - Reverce mountain, laboon the whale, and two strangers?

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Luna stretched. She needed that. Some rest. She was no longer tired. She walked her arm behind her head. Her glove was on. She was wearing a coat and ripped jeans. Along with a red tank top.

She walked over to the the side and grabbed on as they went up reverse mountain

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She walked over to the the side and grabbed on as they went up reverse mountain. She giggled. They were know going down. She looked around. Her whole crew was laughed with her. Until they heard something. Wait. That sound like... FUCK. "HAND on deck. It's a fucking whale." They listened. "Change corse. Nami hold on to something. I'll try to move the fucking thing." She ran to the cannon and fired it. Luckily it slowed them down enough to stop. She sighed. Her instincts went whiled and she jumped up. And summoned her wings. She flew high. Just then. Her ship was being sucked into the whales mouth. Fuck she dived down hoping to reach them in time but she was to slow he closed his mouth. She was know on his back.

He began to sink into the ocean. Just then she saw a.... What the fuck. IS THAT A FUCKING BUNKER. Yep she was going crazy. Next thing she knew she was in a hale way. What the fuck. She continued to walk. Yeah she was so going crazy. Well even more crazy then before. Fuck she's a D. Of corse she's crazy. The day there is a SAN D it will be the end of the world. Just then the floor tipped on her. "FUCKKKKK" she was falling. She grabbed a post just when the place she was in tipped the same way. Yep this continued until she found the exit. Yep she was falling again. When she looked up she was in a... sewer? She agin fell. She crossed her arms. As she fell. She hit the other two people she then summoned her wings. And out of instincts grabbed the other two. She flew and landed on her deck. She stretched. And yawned. She looked to the side as the man spoke.

"Who's that..." she asked but alas she was ignored. The two strangers were getting on her nerves so. She did the San thing. Well for a D. She punched them. Hard. They fell to the ground.
"Uhh what was that for." Ussop and Gin asked.
"they were getting on my nerves."
"Thanks for saving me but why?" The man asked.
"This whale clearly means a lot to you. I will not stand by as someone try's to take him away from you." Was her answer.

They had just escaped the inside of the wail. They had listened to what the man Krockuss had to say about the whale. So she did what she knew what he needed. She fought him. And one. She painted her Jolly Roger on him.

She then promised him that she will come back and fight him once again

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She then promised him that she will come back and fight him once again. During that time the two strangers. Mister Nine and Miss Wednesday. Yeah there was something about these two the just annoyed the living day lights out of her. Alas she gave in and agreed to take them to there home town. So. They took the two of them to there home land. She sighed. "You didn't grab a large pose. Didn't you." Nami shook her head no and looked down. Luna just sighed. "It's fine Nami. Sir do you-"
"Yes. And you can have it."
"Thank you. Well we're off let's get a going." She then looked at the two and glared. With a smile. "You two will help on the ship by cleaning and helping keep watch Kay." The two gulped and nodded. Whiskey Peck huh. How interesting. I wonder what will happen next. She smiled. This will be interesting.

The ship floated on the sea Luna layer on her favorite spot. Soaking up the sun. What a beautiful day she thought to herself. Then. It started to snow. Great. Oh well the cold doesn't bother her anyway. She is after all made of Ice, fire, gas, rocks, water, storms, etc. she walked into the kitchen and spoke. "You are not guests on my ship. And you will not speak to my crew like that. Go and make your selves usefully befor I through you over bored." Scary. The two though as the ran off she moved fast. She was holding one twin one of the ropes as they tried to get back on track.

She giggled as Zoro interrogated the two. She was still giggling as Nami walked him. She looked over to the side. "looks like we're here." She shook her head at the twos an ticks. "There is no need for us to worry but we must stay pro pared for anything." She kept her dagger on her hip. Hidden from plain sight. As the boat came in to dock. She then reached over to her bagger. Huh. This isn't right. There's something wrong here. She looked over to Zoro and he looked at her. She steeped back to talk to him as the others hoped off Gin stayed back with them. "Make it look like your relaxed. Don't eat or drink anything they give you. There something wrong. Keep your eyes peeled as well. Do not allow them to catch on." They both nodded and the three of them walked off the ship. She listen as the man talked to her and her crew. There is so something wrong here.

Luna couldn't help but smile. Well she's alway smiling. She watched as Ussop lied. Nami drank. She drank with Zoro for a contest. Gin told tails of well her. She blushed at that. Sanji was hitting on girls. She relaxed. She snatched as Zoro passed out. She sighed. She got up and covered Zoro with a blanket. Nami was next. She did the same. The it was Ussop. She did it again. The it was Sanji. She again covered him with a blanket. She watched as Gin slowly fell asleep when he was asleep she covered him with the last blanket. She leaned back and closed her eyes. She then stood up. Gin and Zoro also did. The three stood up. Zoro looked at Luna "Captain. Take some rest. You are still exhausted. Allow me and Gin to take care of this." Luna nodded and went to sleep.

Zoro and Gin stood on the roof. The two fought the group of bounty hunters. After a while Nami woke up. Then Sanji. Then Ussop. All three looked at there sleeping Captain and covered her with a blanket. They all knew that she needed the rest. They walked out and met Zoro and Gin. "Oi Moss head why didn't you wake us up so we can help you." Zoro just looked at him and spoke.
"Where is the captain?"
"Asleep. We all know that she needs the rest" Ussop said.
"For once he's right captain will work herself to death if we don't stop her." Nami said Gin nodded in agreement he then spoke.
"Shall we keep care of the trash as she rests."

Luna's eyes snapped open. Fuck. I fell asleep and left the work to the crew. She stood up and looked around. Why didn't they wake me up so I can help. Ohh. She giggled they really care that much. She turned and opened the doors she then began walking. She found her self on the top of a cliff with her crew there. "Hogging all the fun for yourselves ehh" she giggled. They all whipped around to look at there captain.
"Sorry cap but you clearly needed the rest." Gin spoke.
"Cap. They want to ask you something." Zoro said to her.
"wait wait wait. She really is the captain. But we thought." Miss Wednesday said
"That the marines made a mistake. No Captain can easily defeat us all within seconds if she wants." Sanji spoke.
"What is it that you wanted to say Princess Vivi. And before you speak. I heard it all." Luna said.
"Will. Will you help me save my kingdom. Please!" Vivi said. Luna looked into her eyes and saw nothing but determination in them. She sighed.
"Yes. But it will not be for free miss Vivi. Do I make myself clear." The princess nodded at what she said. After a few more incidents and the head of the royal Guard sacrificed himself for them to get away. They were off to there next stop. Alabasta here we come.

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