Chapter twenty - waking up, the whiebeard now solar pirates, and Marineford

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Luna jolted awake. She was about to go ramped when she felt a arm rapped around her chest. Pulling her back and laying her on the bed. She looked up to see her Papa. Shanks smiled at her and spoke. "Hey pup. You gotta stay come. I'm sorry. Ace was not saved. But. You save so many there. If you would not have been there so many more people would have died." Luna stiffened. She stood up and walked away. She grabbed a bottle of rum and a bottle of soda. Well multiple bottles of soda and rum. Luna walked out of the submarine ignoring Laws protests in her walking. Ignoring the worried glances Gin and Jimbei gave her. Shadow went to follow her but she spoke in a dead voice that was not what Luna usually sounded.
"Stay shadow. I. I need to be alone." She kept walking. Shanks spoke again. "The Whitebeard pirates have been looking for you. I need to leave. If your okay with it. And only if your okay with it. I'll tell them where you are." Luna looked at him and sighed. She then spoke again. Ignoring the pain in her stomach as she spoke. She only looked straight ahead. Never look back hah Ace. That's what I always told you ha.
"Yeah. Go right ahead. Tell them that I'll be in the forest when they get here. See ya."

Luna was in a clearing that used to be a forest. She had let her powers go ramped. She sat a the bottles and glass down. She then mixed the two. And drank. Well sipped. It was more soda then anything. She wasn't a big fan of alcohol. But still liked some types of it. Only a hand full though. Luna sat on a trunk sipping at her drink. Thinking of her beloved brother. How he took to her instantly. How she ignored and didn't care about his father but who he was. How he found out about her Fucked up mental health. How he was the only one who could calm her down. How Sabo cared for her and also instantly took to her. And. And how they became siblings. How she was always saving there asses. How she was the youngest but most responsible. How she could rap almost any adult no. Person around her little finger. And. She sobbed. She was a cruel cruel woman when it came to protecting those she loved and she looked to the sun and spoke. "I swear one everything holy and not that I will kill both Akainu and Blackbeard. And there death will be slow and painful. And that's. That's a promise."

Luna was sipping at her fourth drink. Unfazed by the alcohol. It was know the middle of the day. She could sense them. The Whitebeard pirates were staring at her. She then spoke. "I may be young, injured, and tired but I am not weak. Fuck I fought Lucci of CP9 in this state. And won. So stop hiding and look me in the eye like the men you should be." And like that. The commanders of the whitebeard pirates came out and lined up in front of her. Marco was the first to speak.
"We've been looking for you since the funerals ya." Luna cut him off before he could continue.
"Stop. Just stop. If you want to follow me it has to be your choice. And only your choice. There is no backing out. You will become my family. And anyone who dares to harm you will be begging for death. Got it. So choose." Luna. Looked away from them. Her back to them. She sipped her drink. Waiting for one of them to speak but then she stiffened she hissed out the next words that left her mouth. "Where the fuck it Sabo." Luna didn't have to look to see that they also stiffened. Marco again spoke.
"Well we got the answer to both your questions. Whi-"
"Where. Is. Sabo."
"He joined your father and Iva" Luna only nodded. He continued to talk. "We talked it over. And we all agree. We will follow you as captain. If. You'll have us that is."
"Very well. Welcome to my crew. Only things you need to know is. One. Only call me Captain in serious situations. Other then that I'm just Luna. Two. I don't give orders. The only time I will is if it's 100% needed. Three. Keep whitebeards mark. You can add mine if you want. But only if you want. Three. You can have free rain. Do as you which but if it's dangerous check in with me first. Four. Make sure I have a Vivire card of you and you me so I can find you if your in danger and you me. Five. Don't dies. And six. Wait until I go after Blackbeard. Do not try and do it without me. Know. You can stay here i..." Luna stood up "why is he hear. What does he want." Luna stood and started to walk to the shore line. Her new crew members following after her. Like guard dogs.

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