Chapter nine - Alabasta Kingdom, Smoker, and Lunas sibling's

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Luna was on the deck of her ship, Chopper and Ussop where playing cards, Nami and Vivi was in the kitchens with Sanji, Gin was keeping watch, and Zoro... well Zoro was napping. Luna sighed and walked up to Zoro. Chopper looked up at her curiously. "What are you doing Luna?" He asked but Luna only put her finger to her lips saying to be quiet. Ussop shock his head in amusement, Chopper looked at her with pure innocents and curiosity in his eyes, and Gin was stifling a laugh.
"ZORO. WAKE UP!" With that he jolted up with his hands on his swords. With that everyone on deck laughed. "Don't be so stiff. Why don't we fish. You know get some supplies. Plus..." Luna looked over at Vivi who had stiffened. She followed her gaze as she ran to get Nami.
"Oh I see it. No need to worry about it. It's just steam." Nami said.
"There's steam in the ocean?" Ussop asked.
"It's a hot spot." Luna said while looking over at Zoro who has fallen asleep. Again.
"A hit spot?" Chopper asked. Luna shock her head as she walked over to the side of the boat. Listening to the conversation at hand.
"Hey. Sanji can you make some Lunch for us real quick. Gin go with her please." Luna asked.
"Yes ma'am!" He said while dancing away. As she fished a man was caught onto her fishing road...

She stared at the man. She ignored what her was saying. When he said devil fruit. Her attention snapped in his direction. Just then he smacked Ussop. Her hand flew and she drew her pearl dagger. Zoro followed after her. But when she looked at the man. It was Ussop. "What the fuck." This man... he's dangerous... let's hope that's he's not our enemy. Know she was conscious of every move she made. She watched as he touched everyone's checks.  She took a step back when he went to her. Luckily he caught the message and left her alone. He then began transforming into different people. As he was about to leave she spoke up. "We never caught yo-" she was cut of as someone spoke up.
"Yes sir mister Two sir Bon Clay."
"Shit!" She walked away as they talked.
"We do not need to be scared Nami. If we are it will only make miss trust amongst us. We do not need that." They all nodded at her. She then zoned out. She was thinking of a plan. She turned around. "Fuck. It's Baroque works." She shock her head. "Don't worry. At least not right know. We need to be patient."

Everyone was tying a wrap around there left arm. Zoro original wanted to put it on the right but she shot it down. Gin luckily backed her up on that. "Remember this band on all are arms mean that we are friends."

Luna was watching as Vivi and Nami talked. She shock her head. This is going to be difficult. Just as they pulled in Luna spoke up. "Alright you guys stay together. I'll go look around."  With that she walked off on her own. She knew that she couldn't talk to Vivi or convince her. But she knew that her crew did. They understood what she meant. Luna had her hands behind her back. She listened to the town. She was relaxed. But there was something wrong. Why was there no rain. What are you doing to this place Crocodile. She was still walking around trying to find a hint. One of any kind. To what I'd going on here. Luna had sent Reiki to get the clothing Sanji got her. She was confused. Why did he get a dancer uniform. It had two dark blue gloves her right arm had her normal glove with the dark blue one on top of it. The uniform was blue and green with gold exercises on it. With a sigh. She continued to walk around. She had a gut feeling that she would run into someone she knew and cared about.

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