Chapter eleven - recover, leaving Alabasta, Nico Robin, and a knew bounty

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When Luna woke up she was in a hospital wing. Vivi was on her right asleep, Zoro was on a chair straight across from her on his left was Sanji, on his right was Gin all three were also asleep, Ussop was on the bed to her right also asleep, Nami was on her left right across from Vivi also asleep, and Chopper was on her lower legs curled up like a puppy he two was asleep. She giggled at the sight. But then winced. Fuck I heart. She looked at herself. Luckily she had her glove still on and somehow still in tack. The rest of her body was covered in bandages from head to toe. Just then everyone chose to wake up.

Luna stood frozen. She had a towel wrapped around her. She was in the baths. With Nami. And Vivi. She kept her glove on. She slowly walked in. Luckily she missed it when the boys picked. So she settled down in the water. Just then Nami and Vivi left. She let out a sigh of relief. She looked over when she heard a door close. She checked to make sure they were gone before taking off her glove. Her hand looked as if it were a galaxy. Where her hand shadowed it was a red and black color. Everywhere else it was a mixture between purples, blues, pinks, and stars. It almost looked like a real hand if not for the coloring. She then disbursed the magic that made her hand. Know she only had a left hand. When should I tell them. I know I can't hid it for ever. Maybe. Yes. I'll show them when we get to the final stop on this side of the grand line.

Luna sat at a dinning hall

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Luna sat at a dinning hall. The king at the head. Vivi to his right, Luna to his left, Nami next to Vivi, Chopper next to Nami, next to chopper was the two royal Guard members. Next to Luna was Zoro, next to him was Sanji, next to Sanji was Gin. It seems that Luna was the only one with manners currently. She looked over to the guards and spoke. "I apologize about my crews... manners." Surprised with her manners the guards could only nod like has there ever been a polite pirate Captain. Yeah there Gentle man Sabo but he was the Vice captain. So yeah. This was knew.

Luna sat on her deck. Waiting. Not for her but her crew. They wanted Vivi to come with them. Yeah Luna offered her a place on her crew but Luna knew she didn't want to. That she couldn't come with her. She was a princess and needed to stay her this is after all Vivi's treasure. She wore the same out fit as earlier. She will change when they really leave this place. She really didn't know what to think of Bon Clay but. Alas she gave in. And agreed to be friends with him.

Luna listened to Vivi's little speech they had just escaped Hina with the help of there friend Bon Clay but it didn't stop the ships. So they had to fight Marin's. Know she is looking at Vivi with ship coming after them. She knew what Vivi really meant by this. She was saying good bye. But she couldn't acknowledge it. Not with the Marin's on there ass right know. So she did the only thing she can think of. She looked each and every crew member in the eyes. They all nodded. Understanding the silent statement. They all turned around there backs facing Vivi. They pulled of the wraps on there arms. They put up there left arms up. They showed her there left arms on them was an X. Vivi and Karu turned around and did the same. They said good bye to there friends. Both sides hand tears. Well not Luna. She wouldn't cry. Not unless someone she cared about died. "ALRIGHT LETS GET A GOING. SET SELL!"

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