Chapter twenty eight - The war against Kaido and Big Mom

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Luna growled. She had again changed. Her kimono was utterly ruined. So. Tama did her thing. And get Luna a knew one. Literally out of no where. It was kinda a mixture between her two others. Really the only things she didn't like about it were the sleeves and the fact that it was pretty much a dress. Tama then pulled Luna down and started to do her hair again.

Luna sighed but followed Tama's request and sat down

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Luna sighed but followed Tama's request and sat down. Tama grabbed a bolt of all of her top half of her hair and pulled it up into a bun. She then went and grabbed the stray strands also putting them in the bun. Leaving two loops on that covered the tip of her ears and on that landed right under her ears.

Luna smiled at Tama and pushed her towards Nami

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Luna smiled at Tama and pushed her towards Nami. To her surprise Tama obeyed and went over to her. Luna smiled and stood up. Walking away before turning around to look at Nami. "Hey. Nami. Don't do anything stupid. And stay safe. Okay." With that Luna walked over to the meeting stop. Well the knew one. Turns out they had a traitor. Luckily Luna called it and had Franky biked ships and move the weapons somewhere else. She herself sent new flyers those who had the tattoo. All under the fucking traitors nose too.

Luna stood at the docs. Law and Kidd with her. To Luna's surprise Kidd joined her allied forces. Luna closed her eye. Just when Kidd opened his mouth to speak. A ship showed up. It was Shanks. Kidd stiffened at the sight. So did Law. But Luna smiled. "Wasn't sure if you'd come. Papa." Both there heads snapped in her direction at that.
"Oh corse I did pup. You called. I come a running. I mean. When you ask for help it's gonna be serious." Was his reply as Luna sighed at him.

Marco and the rest of the Remaining whitebeard allies were next to show up. With them came Jimbei. Kidd was know looking at her with a WTF face which only increased when they called her mother. Then it was the seven who recently joined the crew. Who also called her mother. Kin'emon wanted to cry at that sight at this point in time. Next to show up was the sea monster pirates. Then it was Bege. Who nodded to her when he saw her. And finally Bonney showed up. With Luna she had 7,227 people plus carrot with 48 allies. While from wano they had 4,200people. Bringing their total of people to 11,427 people with 48 allies. While Kaido had about 24,000 on his side. They were out numbered by about 13,000. Luna glared at that. But ignored it. She looked over at Kidd and Law. And. She made her decision. "Bonney." The female looked over to luna at that.
"You'll take the place if Big Mom." She nodded at that. Luna then looked at Law and Kidd. "Law." He looked at her at that. "You'll take Kaidos place." He also nodded at that. "Kidd." He looked at her. A crazy glow in his eyes. Please don't make me regret this. "You'll take Blackbeards place. Don't make me regret it." She jabbed her finger in his chest at that. Then spoke before he could. "No. Questions." She was really getting annoyed with his questions. They were getting to personal at this point. And. She liked her secrets. She then looked at everyone before they left and spoke. "After the war we will split paths for a while to heal and to trick the government into thinking that we are done for know. When they think that we have finally calmed down. We will struck again." They screamed at that.

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