Chapter twenty four - Big mom and her addiction to candy & arranged marriages

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Luna. Well. She was going to scream bloody murder at Sanji. Correction. To her WHOLE. Fucking crew. AND. Fleet. AND. Allies. She can't keep doing this. She may be strong. Very strong. But. Her body can't handle so much. Action. Fighting. It can't be good for her. Yet. Here she is. Fight one strong opponent after another. And why the fuck don't they ask for her help before they do something stupid. Just think. She has a fucking fleet of 7,226 people counting her crew. Of know eleven being her, Zoro, Nami, Ussop, Gin, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, and Jimbei. Who surprisingly agreed to join her crew. She had 22 representatives 7 just gained and fifteen used to be whitebeard pirates. Know. She was looking for her crew member. Aka. Sanji who was having some trouble with his idiotic family. Like.What sane person gets them selves involved with big mom. Sane. She said sane. Luna is anything but sane. And. She knows it. She embarrasses it. She's proud of it. Like. Come on has anyone meet a sane D or a sane pirate. No. It comes with the name and the job.

Luna was cussing up a storm so fast that no one could understand her. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Sanji. I don't fucking care. I don't care. I had you join. Because. Luna closed her eyes. She had finally stoped cussing. A young girl around her teen years with a boy her same age who ash colored hair and was much taller then her. Flashed in her mind. Because. You reminded me of a young me. Of a lost and lonely me. A me before him. Her eyes watered. She rubbed her head and screamed. Out to Sanji. "YOU FUCKING DUMB ASS. IM GONNA KICK YOUR FUCKING AS FOR BEING THAT FUCKING STUPID SANJI. I DO NOR CARE FOR THAT KIND OF BULL SHIT." Luna sighed and sat down.

Luna glared at the floor. What could she do to convince Sanji that she was not just. Using him. But. He wouldn't fucking listen. She was annoyed. And. Well. Kind hurt. Why did he think she was using him. Luna sat in a hug puddle of blood. She was tired and needed to eat, bath, and just rest fir a bit but. She will not. Can not. She will wait. Even if she needs to die. Her words to him still flashing in her head. I will not leave. I'll wait here. I'll be waiting. I'll wait even through rain and hunger. Even if I have to fight while hungry. I don't care. She was know laying in blood. She didn't care that her long hair was in blood. That she'll need to change as soon as she could. Her hat was on her chest. She was panting. She put her hand on her side and cussed when she felt blood. She pulled her shirt up and cussed. She was stabbed. More then once. With the blades stick in her skin. A total of eleven there. She laughed. The number of her crew. She gripped then and pulled. She heard her name called. And whimpered as she yanked out the last blade.

Luna was resting her eyes and when she looked up. She was face to face with her favorite cook. Sanji. She had covered her side. As to hide it from the world. She had only laughed at what he said earlier both knew that that was a lie. He was avoiding her gaze. She didn't know what to say other then. "Know. What's the matter. Sanji."
"I didn't ask you to wait." Was his only reply.
"No. You did not." She cut him off before he could speak. "But. Your eyes did. They were like mine once. Lost. Lonely. In need. Of. Well. In need of love. Of life. Of a family. I don't pick my crew for skills. I don't pick for looks. No Sanji. I pick the ones that understand. Understand loss. Love. Hatred. To loose. I pick people for who they are and who they can be."when he handed her the food. She ignored what he said and again Luna ate it. She didn't care what it looked like. "It's good Sanji. Like always. And before you speak. I think it tastes amazing." Luna was lived at what he said. "Firstly. I allowed you to do that. I didn't care and don't care. You had good intentions. Secondly. Then why don't we fucking save them. And kick everyone's asses who try and stop us. Thirdly. We can save your biological family. You are on my crew. And that make you Mine. Your my cook. Your my family. And I am yours. I am your captain. There Fire your family us under my protection. And. Big Mom is threatening what is mine." Luna was know standing in front of him. She yanked him into a hug. And didn't let go. She was worried and spoke. "So. Tell me. What do you really want Sanji." His eyes watered and he latched his arms around Luna who tightened her grip as he cried. He cried and cried. His hand tightened around her. He was stumbling on his words but finally spoke. "I wanna go back to the sunny!"
"But..." Luna said
"I can't get the courage to run away" she listened to him speak. And then responded. With a gentle and kind smile. Pulling him away to look her in the eyes.
"Well then. That's easy. Let us help you." he released his grip and looked her in the eyes. Whipped his tears and looked to the town with her.

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