Chapter ninteen - Impel Down, the Trap for Luna & Whitebeard, and the war

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Ace was hanging from chains. Garp in front of him. He said something that scared the daylights out of him. Yeah. Whitebeard was scary when he was mad. But Luna. Luna was much much scarier. And from what he could guess. She was going to be livid. And if he died. Then lord save them all. Because if she died and she had a mental break down. Then the only person. No thing to stop her will be Shanks. Because other then Shanks he was the only one who knew how to calm her down.

Luna was livid. She had finally made it to the final level of Impel down but guess what. Ace wasn't here. So she looked around. She had saved many on her way down here. Including some revolutionary's that work for her father who have began to call her Princess or Lady Luna. Which was extremely annoying. She spoke to Jimbei and freed him. He had promised to help. Then she heard a whimper. She whipped around and saw Crocodile. She walked over to him and hissed out his name. He flinched. She then spoke. "I'll. Let you out. If. And only if you help me save my brother. Or. I can kill you right know and here. Your choice." His eyes flicked from hers to the ground over and over. She hissed at him again. He flinched. Everyone was visibly surprised at how scared he was of her. They all knew that she was the one to defeat him. But non thought that he would be scared of her. They thought that he would want to kill her. "Well. What is it." Luna growled out. Again he flinched.
"If. If I help you. You won't kill me." He was avoiding eye contact. He would 100% prefer this place then to have her as an enemy. "And. I won't have to sleep with one eye open in fear of you..." Luna growled at him. He again flinched. She then spoke. Slowly to make sure her point gets across.
"Yes... if you help. And if you don't do anything stupid again. And you know what I mean about that." His head snapped up and he looked her in the eyes.
"Then yes I will help." And with that they left.

Luna and the others were on a ship. Shadow at her right and Gin on her left. Bon had again played the bait. She wouldn't cry. No. It wasn't the time. There was a war on the horizon. They could morn after the war. Not know. Just then. A snail was going off. So she walked two rods it. She was in a different outfit know. One more suited for battle. It was blue. And made by Hancock. So it was a dress. She wore a glove on her left hand her robotic arm on her right. She had knee high boots on that were black and gold.

Luna answered the snail and everyone went quit to listen

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Luna answered the snail and everyone went quit to listen. Her eyes glowed gold at what she heard. And at that Crocodile screamed. Aces execution will be moved up. Luna closed the snail and walked away. It went off again and she cussed. She turned and walked back up to it. This time. It was a call. She answered but did not speak. Eyes back to normal. Which made Crocodile sigh in relief. Then a voice spoke.
"Is this. Monkey. D. Luna."
"Maybe. Maybe not." It went quite then another voice spoke. It was Kizaru.
"Hello. Hey. You there." Everyone stiffened except for Luna. Who had a smirk eyes again glowing. It was getting harder and harder to contain her anger.
"Kizaru. How's the arm?" There was a pause. Then a laugh
"You sinister bitch. It really is you Monkey. D. Luna. You took it remember. And. It won't come back."
"Oh. Well. I'll take more then that if you don't return my brother." He ignored her and hung up. She punched the mast. Breaking it. Crocodile again screamed.

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