Chapter eight - The jorny to Alabasta, and enters Tony Tony Chopper

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Luna and her crew were just leaving an island called Little garden which was ironic since the island was anything but little. They made two new friends and fought number three and miss golden week. They had just left the island when Luna collapsed.  Ami had caught her and she brought her hand up to her for head. "She burning up." Nami spoke.

Luna was wrapped in a blanket put in a bead. Vivi put a wheat rag on her forehead. Vivi was worried. Luna was kind, brave, caring, strong, and scared of nothing. She was reckless. It was funny. But Vivi couldn't help but admired the younger girl. Vivi then heard a bang. She ran up to see a man. An ugly man. "Is this everyone." The ugly man asked. While eating a fork. No one answered. "Who's the captain of the ship?" Vivi looked around and relished the agin was still down with Luna. The man was clearly annoyed. "Search the ship." Zoro went to move but was stoped by them with a gun to his back.  Gin was then brought out he was carrying Luna wrapped in a blanket. She was supper pale. She looked over and noticed that Whapple was looking at her in a perverted way.

Luna opened her eyes to see the creepiest man in the world. With out a though she flicked her wrist and her went flying she then proceeded to pass out.

The next time Luna opened her eyes she saw a little guy. "Hello there little on" he then tried to hid from her. She giggled at the sight. "Don't worry little fella I will not hurt you. What is your name?" She asked the young rain deer/human then spoke while rushing into the room. "Tony Tony Chopper is my name. And don't move" he cut himself off "your all better. Already. How?" Luna only giggled at his antics.

The crew was know sailing away from the island. I cloud of pink bidding them good by. The crew of six know had a knew member. Tony Tony Chopper. Their doctor. Who was quit clingy to Luna. He was literally hanging onto her leg refusing to let go of her. She, Nami, Gin, and Vivi found it cut. While Sanji and Zoro found it quit annoying. (Since Luna was constantly in between a state between consciousness and unconscious chapter is really short)

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