His eyes- Lonashipping

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I know it's been forever since I've posted something new in here but I hope you enjoy. I also wanted to give a little thank you to @harharahr for getting Lonashipping on my brain. Although this took longer to write than I thought, I still got it. So thanks you to you and all my lonashipping fans XD 


One of the most fascinating things Moon found about people was their eyes. Eyes told so much about a person. They told what someone was feeling and what they have experienced in life. Whatever it was Moon could read it clear as day in their eyes with the tiniest glance.

There was one boy in particular she could read better than the rest. His name was Gladion Aether. From the first time she looked into his green jeweled eyes, she saw it all. The lose of brightness in his life, the endless pain, the constant frustration, the years of cold loneliness, and the crushing guilt.

Although Moon didn't know his story at the time, she saw the bitter result. It was in that moment that Moon decided to change that. She was going to bring brightness to his eyes, again. No matter what it took.

So, little by, little, Moon worked her way into his life. She tried hard to befriend the blond boy, with hopes of making his life easier and less lonely. Gladion did put up a good fight against her persistence, but Moon won out in the end.

Once the huge mess with the Ultra Beasts was taken care of, they became good friends. From there, she helped him branch out. Even did her best to reconnect him with the family and friends he thought he had lost.

Finally, she was able to bring some happiness back to his eyes. It was small in the beginning, but Moon kept working for it.

And now, years later, Moon is thrilled to see the happy glow shining brightly in his eyes. She had to admit that it was well worth the wait. Sure, his eyes had always been pretty, but with so much happiness, they were mesmerizing.

However, Moon soon found that she had a little problem. Maybe not so little if she really admitted it to herself. That, after she really got to know Gladion and broke him out of his tough guy defenses, Moon fell for him, hard.

She was deeply in love with him, and didn't know what do about it.

Does she tell him how she feels? Should she wait to see if something happens between them? Does he have those feelings for her? What if he loved someone else?

Moon didn't know a single answer, and it drove her crazy sometimes.

A soft knock snapped her out of her rambling thoughts. Moon whipped around to see Gladion in the doorway of the balcony she stood on. He was dressed in a nice white dress shirt, a black vest, with a red tie and sleek black pants.

That's right. They were at the Aether mansion for a party in her honor. She had held the title of Alola's first champion for 5 years, and they were celebrating that.

Even if he wasn't too fond of this get up, he did look good. Besides, he wasn't the only one. Moon had also dressed up for the formal occasion. Lusamine had even insisted on buying her a new dress as a gift.

After many choices and shopping sprees, a sapphire blue and white dress was selected. It really was beautiful, and Moon was grateful for all of it.

Usually, she would be down celebrating with everyone else. However, she felt too stuffy in there and her brain couldn't focus on enjoying the party. Mostly, because of the blond himself. Not that she could tell him that.

"Oh, hey Gladion." Moon waved.

"You disappeared on us. I was starting to think our champion had turned into an Oricorio and shuffled out of here." Gladion smirked.

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