An accidental kiss- Shiningsunshipping

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It was a beautiful day in the region of Alola, and Sun was taking full advantage. He was out, walking along the beach with his Pokémon partner Litten trotting along beside him.

"Today is going to be great! I can feel it." Sun smiles up at the bright blue sky above him. "Don't you think?"

"Mrow." Litten purrs in agreement.

"Yeah. What do you say we race to the school?" Sun challenges. Litten smirks up at him before beginning to run. "Hey! No fair you little cheater!" Sun complains as he runs after the cat Pokémon. He arrives at the school, panting, and out of breath. "I can't believe you actually cheated. I thought I taught you better than that." Litten simply rolls its eyes and began cleaning its paw. "Unbelievable."

"Hello there, Sun. I didn't expect to see you here so early." Lillie greets him.

Sun turns and smiles to his friend. "Hey, Lillie. I'm just out for a morning run. Couldn't help it on such a beautiful day?" He walks closer to her as he spoke.

"I see that." Lillie returns the smile. "Anyway, Sun, I was wondering if-ah!" Lillie trips on the uneven wooden step, falling into Sun. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!" Lillie quickly apologizes, her cheeks turning bright pink.

"It's fine I'll-" Sun steps back trying to make it less awkward, but falls off the step, and somehow manages to bring Lillie with him. She falls right on top of him, and their lips make contact.

"Oh!" Lillie gasps and quickly sat up with her hands over her mouth. "I...I'm so sorry...I should go..." She ran off, leaving a dazed and equally red faced Sun, laying on the ground.

Litten laughs next to its train at the bad luck that had just unfolded so perfectly.

"Shut up." Sun glares at his Pokémon, which only causes more laughter from the cat.

Some time later, Sun is up and looking for Lillie. You see, Sun was in love and has always wanted to tell her. So, after the kissing accident, he thought it might be as good a time as any to finally tell her.

Meanwhile, Lillie was hiding from Sun, desperate to keep away, in case he asks about the kiss. While it was abrupt and a complete accident, it still sent sparks through her.

"Hi Lillie, what are you-" Mallow approachs but Lillie covers her mouth and pulls her to the hiding spot.

"Shhh! I'm trying to hid." Lillie warns before uncovering her friends mouth.

"From who? Is someone trying to hurt you?" Mallow questions, alarmed.

"What? No, no! It's just...well there was an...incident and...I might have... accidentally...kissed Sun..." Lillie admits slowly.

Mallow giggles to herself. "My goodness Lillie. I thought something was wrong."

"Something it's wrong!" Lillie growls at her friend. "Sun and I kissed and now he is going ask me about it. I don't know what to do or say. What if he says he doesn't want to be friends because he thinks I did it on purpose? What if he doesn't ever what to talk to me again? What if he now knows I have a huge crush on him? I thought I had more time before he knows that! Now everything is going to-" Mallow covers her friend's mouth with her hand to silence her.

"Ok first, drop the What if's. You're being to dramatic. Secondly, this is Sun we are talking about. There is no way he is going to stop talking to you stop being your friend just because of a little accident. Finally, all you need to do is talk to him. Explain it was an accident and everything will solve itself out in the end. Got it?" Mallow instructs her friend. Lillie nods against her hand. "So, what are you going to go do?"

Lillie removes her friend's hand before speaking. "I am going to go find Sun and sort things out."

"Great!" Mallow cheers. "Be sure and tell me how it goes."

"Yeah...will do..." Lillie mutters as she walks away.

Lillie began the hunt for Sun, in hopes to explain everything before he assumes the worst. Luckily, she found him not long after. He was up on the top of an exeggutor, looking around.

"Sun! Can you come down from there! I really need to talk to you!" Lillie calls up to him.

Upon hearing her voice, Sun gets off the top of the tall Pokémon and slides down the neck of the palm treelike Pokémon. He then jumps down, right in front of Lillie.

"You called." Sun smiles to her.

"Yes...I did..." Lillie mutters nervously, as a light blush begins to creep up her pale cheeks. She had to force herself to make eye contact with him, but couldn't hold it for long. "I want to apologize for the...accident. I promise it wasn't planned or anything! It was just a silly mistake. So can we just forget about it and go back to being friends?"

Sun stares at her for a few minutes, processing what she had just said. He shook his head slowly, the rim of his hat covering her view of his eyes. Lillie gulps, fearing the worst.

"I'm sorry Lillie, but I can't. I can't forget what happened." Sun admits. He pecks at her panicking face. "I could never forget it, even I tried." Looking up, he meets her gaze. "You see, as surprising as it was, I'm happy it happened. Lillie, getting to be around you for so long has made my life better than you can imagine. I just always want to be near you, no matter what." He slowly takes his hat off as he walks closer to her. "That kiss this morning, might have been an accident, but this isn't."

Sun leans toward her crimson colored face, his own turning a matching shade as he drew closer. Lillie froze, unable to tell if this was really happening. Then, his lips met her's. He was actually kissing her and it was absolutely amazing for them both. Lillie kisses him back and they melt into each other.

"I love you, Lillie." Sun smiles as he pulls back. "I have for a while and I am so glad we had that accident."

"I love you too, Sun." Lillie beams, still blushing.

"Come on, let's not waist this beautiful day and turn this accident into a something special." Sun said, holding out his hand for her.

"I'd like that." Lillie took his hand.

The two walk off, spending the day enjoying the beautiful day and each other.


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