With Pokémon's help- Lana x Hau

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It was a beautiful day in the Alolan region. The sky was clear and the ocean was calm as a petite bluenette trained with her Primarina and Eevee.

"Ok Primarina, use surf! Sandy, use double edge!" Lana called. The Pokémon used the moves and together for an effective combination. "Great job you two!"

"I'd second that."

Lana jumped a bit before turning around to see Hau smiling at her with his Decidueye next to him.

"Oh, hi Hau. You scared me." Lana giggled.

"Sorry about that." Hau apologized as he walked up to her. "You did great with those moves."

"Thank you." Lana smiled. "We have been practicing."

As the trainers talked, their Pokémon did as well. Though the conversation was about their trainers and their lack of admitting certain feelings.

(Anything new on your end?) Primarina asked Decidueye.

(Unfortunately, no. Still in denial.) Decidueye sighed, glancing at the two.

Primarina followed the arrow quill Pokémon's action.

Lana and Hau were laughing about something. A light blush could be seen against her pale cheeks. Though it was a little harder to tell, Hau was blushing too.

At was clear to everyone that they liked each other, a lot. Even the Pokémon knew. However, they were still afraid to come clean about their feelings and for the time being, they were fine being friends.

(I wish they would just tell each other.) Decidueye huffed.

(I know. They would be so happy together if they would just admit it. Maybe they just need a little push.) Primarina wagered.

(Push? I can push!) Sandy sounded.

The Eevee jumped up from the sand he was playing in and ran at Lana. He jumped up and bounced off his trainer, causing her to tumble into Hau. He held onto her to make sure she wouldn't fall.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Lana squeaked.

"It's fine." Hau smiled.

The two Pokémon partners exchanged a smile. Now it was their turn to push. They went over and stood behind their trainers.

"I have no idea what got into Sandy." Lana stepped back. "He usually doesn't do that to people."

"It's really-ah!"

Decidueye bumped Hau forward with his wing, almost knocking him back into Lana.

"Oh! Are you ok?" Lana tried to help steady him. "I-oh!"

Primarina then shoved Lana forward with her tail and she crashed into Hau. Neither one moved. The two trainers started wide eyed at each other from their awkward, pressed together position. Their faces reddened as she stared up at him. Lana wasn't sure if she was grateful for Hau being taller than her or not.

"Wow..." Hau muttered.

"What is it?" Lana whispered.

"You're even prettier up close." Hau said without realizing.

"W-what...what did you just say?" Lana's face grew darker.

Hau's eyes nearly bulged out of his head. Did he really say that out loud?

"I...well...you know...um...I just..." Hau stuttered, taking a step back. "What I meant was...um..."

"So, you didn't mean it?" Lana frowned.

"No, no, no, I meant it! It's...just hard." Hau scratched the back of his head.

Primarina and Decidueye rolled their eyes and shoved them together again.

(Just say it!) the starter Pokémon shrieked in annoyance.

Lana looked down and Hau looked to the side for a moment.

"I want to say..." the two began at the same time.

"Oh. You can go first." Lana assured.

"That's ok. You can go if you want to." Hau replied.

(I'll go!) Sandy pipped in, not really knowing what was going on.

They all laughed at the clueless and energetic little Eevee and he didn't seem to mind. Then, Hau and Lana calmed down and locked eyes. They knew they should come clean and finally tell each other how they really feel for each other.

"Hau...I have to tell you something." Lana did her best to maintain eye contact.

"Would it be ok if I actually went first?" Hau asked.

"Sure." Lana gave a small smile.

Hau nodded and took in a deep breath before he started. If he was going to do this, he had to do it right.

"Lana...from the start of our friendship, you had my attention. Not only are you really pretty but...you are this really cool combination of sweet and fiery. I couldn't help but get this huge crush on you. But now...I'm kind of in love with you and-"

Lana didn't need to hear anymore from him and decided to interrupt him in the best possible way. With a kiss.

Hau was definitely surprised but closed his eyes and pulled her close. For a while, they just stood there, enjoying the amazing kiss.

Decidueye and Primarina high-fived and have a miniature celebration for their trainers had finally confessed. Sandy joined in just for the fun of it.

The two slowly pulled back from the kiss and hugged. It was so peaceful and neither wanted to ruin it.

"I love you too, Hau." Lana sighed happily.

"I thought so." Hau chuckled.

"Yeah...you're just so cute and you make me so happy...I just...fell in love." Lana smiled up at him.

"That not fair." Hau couldn't help but smile.

"What?" Lana asked.

"You are too adorable!" Hau cupped her rosy cheeks.

Lana giggled and leaned into his touch.

(Yes!) their Pokémon boomed, startling them.

"Oh! I guess we should thank you guys." Lana remarked.

"Yeah. If it wasn't for you three, who knows how long it would have been before we told each other." Hau wrapped his arm around Lana.

The Pokémon smiled and stood triumphantly. For if it wasn't for them, they wouldn't be so happy right now.

Because they were and they would be from now on.


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