There is someone else- lonashipping

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Do keep in mind that I have not seen a lot of the sword and shield characters, trailers, etc. So I don't really know Marnie's character and if I didn't do great with her personality or something, sorry for my lack of knowledge. Hope you enjoy the story nonetheless.


Moon never imagined it would happen, but there is was, right before her eyes. Gladion had taken a liking to someone visiting Alola, and not just any someone, a girl.

Her name was Marnie, and she was very similar to Gladion. Dark clothes, quite, calm and collected. Even though they both appeared to be loners, the two got along swimmingly, and spent a good deal of time together.

Moon knew whatever chance she had to be more than just friends with Gladion, was gone now. Not while Marine was around. So, she slowly stopped coming by to visit him. She convinced herself it was for the best. That he would be better off if she wasn't in the way.

"Hey, Moon!" Her brother called from the front door. "You're friends are here!"

Moon entered the living room without hesitation. She knew her brother would have made some snide comment if it had been Gladion. Once out, she saw her friends Mallow and Lana.

"Hey Moon." Mallow greeted.

"Ready for our girls day?" Lana chimed.

"You bet. Where is Lillie?" Moon asked.

"She said she would meet us there." Lana replied.

"Alright. Let's do this!" Moon smiled and the three girls left the house.

Meanwhile, Lillie had just finished getting ready for the girls day.

"Alright. Time to go meet the girls." Lillie remarked, double checking her hair before setting her hat atop her head. "Ready to have some fun Snowy?"

"Vul!" The little Vulpix chirped in delight.

"Great." Lillie smiled as she opened the door and made her way out the door.


She stopped and turned to see her brother standing in the hallway.

"Hi Gladion." Lillie greeted as she scooped up her Pokémon. "I'm running a bit late, can we talk later?"

"Where are you going?" Gladion asked.

"Out with the girls. We are going to have a fun girls day." Lillie beamed at the thought. "I would invite you, but I don't you want to have a makeover."

"Will Moon be there?" Gladion questioned.

"I believe so. Why do you ask?" Lillie titled her head, now quite intrigued.

"I feel like she has been avoiding me lately. Do you think you could ask her why?" Gladion requested.

"Sure. I can do that." Lillie agreed. "Oh! I really need to get going. See you later Gladion. Tell Marnie I said hi if you see her."

"Sure." Gladion muttered.

Lillie ran from the house and made it to her friends a bit late.

"Sorry for getting here so late. It took longer to get ready than I thought." Lillie apologized.

"It's fine." Lana assured.

"Let's go have our day together!" Moon cheered.

So the four girls spent the day doing all kinds things. They gave each other fun makeovers, did each other's hair and nails. They talked and laughed with each other over old stories and silly jokes. They did this for hours, enjoying all the fun and goofing off.

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