Secret notes and secret admirers- multiple ships

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It was the weekend and the girls from the Pokémon school had decided to hang out at Lana's house. Mostly because it was nice not having to worry about a brother listening in. Seeing as Moon, Lillie, and Mallow had brothers at home. Though, it was a pretty weird with the strange absents of Lana's little sisters.

The four girls sat in Lana's room, doing the typical girly things. Braiding each other's hair, painting their nails, and talking and giggling over silly things.

"It's too bad Acerola couldn't come here with us." Mallow commented.

"Yeah but she has a date with her Sophocles tonight." Moon remarked.

"There so cute together." Lana chimed.

"Oh no!" Lillie squeaked.

"What is it?" Mallow asked.

"I spilled something on my dress. Do have a rag or something to wipe it off?" Lillie asked Lana.

"Sure." Lana stood up and went to her closet. Though, there was another addition in her closet. Actually two. "Harper, Sarah!" Lana scolded.

The twins were hunched around a little jewelry box covered in sea shells, with little scraps of paper in hand. They were giggling at the notes they read to each other.

"Get out of here and give those back!" Lana growled.

Harper and Sarah scurried out of the room in fits of giggles but thankfully ditched the paper.

"What are these?" Moon asked as she picked up one of the discarded pieces of paper.

Lana sighed as she grabbed her box and put the paper back inside. She sat back down with the box in hand.

"They're notes I wrote...about my crush." Lana admitted sheepishly.

"What! Who's your crush?" Mallow asked excited.

" was Ash...but now that he is gone I have moved on and thrown those away.'s Hau?" Lana muttered embarrassed.

"Aw!" The girls exclaimed. "You have to tell him!"

"No!" Lana squealed. "I'm not telling him and neither can any of you!"

"Why not?" Moon raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not ready to tell him. It's really hard. That's why I write the notes." Lana answered.

"Come on Lana. You should just tell him. It would make you both super happy." Mallow assured.

"You mean like you haven't told Kiawe." Lana retorted.

"Ok...fair point." Mallow blushed.

"Maybe we should all write some." Moon suggested.

"Why would we do that?" Lillie questioned.

"Maybe it could help. After all, we all have our own crushes, right?" Moon explained. The other three seemed to lean towards her, expecting her to spill who this guy is. "What?"

"You can't just say something like that and not tell us who it is." Mallow stated, obviously.

"Yeah. But since everyone knows Mallow's and my crush, I think you two should tell us yours." Lana wagered.

Lillie and Moon both blushed and looked away. They were embarrassed and worried, for they were in love with each other's brothers.

"Come on. Admit it." Mallow challenged. "Unless you're a Wishiwashi."

"Fine...same time Lillie?" Moon asked.

"Ok." Lillie agreed.

"It's Sun/Gladion." They admitted in unison. "What? You are in love with my brother? Yes. Ok stop it."

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