Napping nightmare- Spiceshipping

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Kiawe has had a pretty ruff few days. There had been some mishaps on the farm and there had been a lot more deliveries because of the upcoming festival. As a result, he hadn't had much sleep. To make matters worse, Mallow hasn't been in class over the past few days. She was helping her dad at the restaurant in preparation for the food for the same festival.

Needless to say, Kiawe was exhausted and barely made it through the day. So it wasn't really a surprise when he passed out during the day. No one really noticed at first, but they usually let him sleep. After all he didn't snore and never muttered in his sleep.

Now, as Kukui talked away about the lesson, Kiawe couldn't help but fall asleep. His arm stretched out over his desk and his head down.

"Hi Kiawe!" Mallow greeted.

"Hey." Kiawe smiled.

"Want to come along on a walk with me?" Mallow asked as she took his arm.

"Of course." Kiawe replied.

So Mallow pulled him along as they walked. They walked around the island as Mallow skipped about around him. The two talked as the strolled around.

"It's such a beautiful day. I'm really glad you wanted to spend time with me." Mallow remarked with the most beautiful smile on her face.

"I'm happy to." Kiawe assured.

"You know, there is something really important I want to tell you." Mallow beamed as she stopped walking.

She looked nervous, but hopefully as she looked him in the eyes. Kiawe waited patiently for her to speak, wondering what she was so nervous about telling him.

"Alright." Kiawe nodded for her to continue.

"Well, I-ah!" Mallow slipped off the cliffs edge.

Kiawe race to save her, but he hand missed her hand. He watched in horror as she fell down.

"Mallow!" Kiawe exclaimed in worry. He slid down the cliff after her. He found her laying at the bottom, covered in dirt and scraps. He ran to her side and knelt down. "Mallow?" Her eyes we're closed and she didn't move a muscle. "Mallow, please open your eyes. Say something." He begged as he cradled her in his arms.

"Kiawe..." Mallow choked weakly.

"Mallow!" Kiawe hugged her tight. "Thank goodness you're ok."

"Kiawe...It hurts..." Mallow winced.

"I'm so sorry." Kiawe released his strong hold. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of here."

"Wait..." Mallow stopped him. "I'm...not going to make it."

"No! You are going to make it!" Kiawe looked up trying to find the best way back up. "We just have to..." he stopped when he felt her hand guide him back to look at her.

"It's no use Kiawe." Mallow muttered. "I'm just glad you are the last thing I get to see. Bye Kiawe.

"No, no,'s not true. It's can't be." Kiawe shook his head as tears rolled down his face. Her eyes closed once again and her body when limped despite his pleases. "Mallow! No!"

"No!" Kiawe sat up at his desk.

He noticed everyone staring at him in concern. He quickly cleared his throat and waved for the lesson to continue. Kukui nodded slowly and went back to the lesson. Everyone slowly faced to the black board and returned their attention to Kukui.

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