The Luvdisc know- all ships

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With Ash gone to continue his travels and a few new students joined the class, there was no lack of fun. Though things were about to get a lot more interesting.

"You will never believe what I found out!" Lana announced as she ran into the classroom.

"What is it?" Lillie asked. 

"Well, Misty told me about this really cool spring in Kanto and it became so popular that they are opening one in Alola. It opens tomorrow and I was wondering if all of you wanted to come with me." Lana offered.

"Sure. It sounds like fun!" Mallow beamed.

"I'll come." Acerola agreed.

"Yeah, I'll go." Sophocles muttered as he worked on something.

"I'm in!" Hau remarked.

"Me too." Sun assured.

"I will come too." Kiawe replied.

"Yes, I'd love to come." Lillie smiled.

"Of course I'll come along." Moon chirped.

"I guess I'll go." Gladion shrugged.

"Great!" Lana clapped. "Be sure to bring you swimsuits tomorrow and we can go after school."

They all nodded in agreement, but before they could discuss it further, the class started. The rest of the class was excited about this popular hot spring. Little did they know, there was more to it than just a spring. Lana was well aware though, and she couldn't wait for them to go.

The time had finally come. The 10 students stood outside the building that lead to the spring.

"Alright, lets go get changed and we can get ready." Lana chimed.

They followed her inside and over to the changing booths. Lana wore her navy one piece, Lillie had her white bikini, Mallow had her green bikini with pink flower prints, Acerola had a purple tankini, and Moon had a midnight blue tankini. Hau wore yellow swim trunks, Sun had gray, Kiawe had red, Sophocles had bright yellow, and Gladion had black.

Once changed, they made their way to the spring area. The pushed past the sleek glass door and were greeted with the pretty scenery. Palm trees hung over the water and smooth rocky floor.

"Wow. This is beautiful." Lillie awed.

"Look at all the Luvdisc." Mallow pointed out.

"Yeah. Let's go in." Lana walker in.

They followed her into the water, but also kept a curious eye on the Luvdisc. The Pokémon began to circle them in pairs. They encircled Sun and Lillie, Acerola and Sophocles, Mallow and Kiawe, Gladion and Moon, and finally Lana and Hau.

"I wonder what their doing." Lillie said as she observed the Pokémon.

"Oh! I almost forgot." Lana pretended to remember. "These Luvdisc here are very special. They can tell when two people should be together and show it by swimming circles around them." Everyone's faces instantly turned several shades of red. "Enjoy." She then turned to Hau. "Can we talk?"

"Um...I...I guess we could." Hau stuttered.

So Lana took his hand and lead him a bit away from their stiff bright red friends. She turned to face him with a bright but nervous smile on her face.

"Hau, I wanted to tell you that since you have joined our class, I've had the biggest crush on you. You are so sweet and a bit goofy that I couldn't help it." Lana giggled. Hau couldn't help but smile at the sound of her laugh. "I've wanted to tell you for so long, but I was scared. I probably wouldn't have said anything if not for the Luvdisc pairing us up."

"Well, I'm glad they did." Hau remarked. Lana's face lit up in a bright blush. "Because I feel the same way." The Luvdisc Then pumped Lana into Hau. "Looks like the Luvdisc want more." Hau chuckled.

He then planted a gentle kiss upon her.

With Lillie and Sun, the two kept stealing glances but were to nervous to say a word. It wasn't until Lillie crashed her head into Sun's shoulder that anything happened.

"Lillie?" Sun questioned her unexpected action.

"I'm sorry." Lillie muttered. "I know this is weird...but I just need to tell you..." She looked up at him. "I love you, Sun."

At first he was shocked, but the biggest smile came up his face. He spun her around in the water before pulling her back to him.

"You have no how happy you just made me!" Sun exclaimed in pure joy. "I love you so much! I could kiss you!"

"You...are welcome to." Lillie smiled bashfully.

Sun didn't need to be told twice. He planted his mouth on hers and she was happy to kiss him back. Even as they pulled apart, they hardly left each other's sides.

With Acerola and Sophocles, she was actually super calm about it, but Sophocles felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

"This is wonderful." Acerola chimed as she admired the Luvdisc.

"What?" Sophocles gasped. Did she really understand what all this meant.

"These Luvdisc are so interesting. It's such an amazing experience." Acerola clarified. Sophocles sighed, though he wasn't sure if it was out of relief or disappointment. "And of course that they paired me up with my really cute, smart crush." Sophocles just about fainted at this news. "Woah, you ok?"

Acerola grabbed his arm as he swayed a bit.

"Yeah...I'm ok...but I might need a minute." Sophocles muttered. Acerola looked away sadly, thinking he didn't feel the same. "I never imagined you would feel the same way."

Acerola spun around and kissed his cheek.

"You're so cute." Acerola smiled and lead him out of the water so they could relax.

With Mallow and Kiawe, he was trying to convince himself to confess. Kiawe isn't usually one to hesitate about doing something, but he could never bring himself to tell the girl beside him how he truly feels. And he had felt that way for a long time.

With a deep breath he began. "Mallow...I..." Kiawe trailed off as he saw her trembling. "What's wrong?"

"You don't...think the Luvdisc are you?" Mallow worried.

"What? No, no, no!" Kiawe took her hands. "You have it all wrong. I love you Mallow."

"Really?" Mallow questioned.

"Yes." Kiawe smiled.

She suddenly jumped up and rapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Kiawe." Mallow chimed. "I'm so happy we came here."

Kiawe hugged her back. "Me too."

He then pulled her back a bit and kissed her. She instantly kissed him back and pulled him closer in possible. Even after the kiss, they kept the other close as much as possible.

With Gladion and Moon, they both just kind of stood there not making eye contact. Which was easy with Gladion's mass of bangs blocking both their views. After another long minute, Moon finally spoke up.

"I...I know that I am probably the last person you imagined that you would be paired up with, but..." Moon fumbled, not sure how to continue.

"Hey, that's not true." Gladion rested his hand on her shoulder. "This might not be how I wanted to tell you, but I'm actually thrilled."

"Really?" Moon asked.

"Of course. I love you, Moon." Gladion smiled as he leaned over her.

"I love you too." Moon chimed.

Gladion didn't waste another moment. He closed the remaining distance and kissed her. Moon happily kissed him back.

With all of their confessions said and done, the new couples were glad to enjoy the Luvdisc spring. After all, the Luvdisc know best.


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