His nightmare- lonashipping

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 Gladion stood in a dark and unfamiliar place. No Pokémon, no friends, no family. Nothing but miles of darkness.

"Gladion? Hey, Gladion? Where are you?" An eerie and distant voice called out to him.

"Who's there?" Gladion barked, frantically looking around.

"You don't know the voice of your own friend? That makes me sad, Gladion." The voice echoed in his hears and sent a chill up his spine.

"Who are you?" Gladion demanded, but his voice was losing its strength.

"What? Am I that bad that you don't recognize me?" Moon formed before him, but something was wrong.

"Moon?" Gladion questioned. Her form was faded and she appeared to be hovering off the ground. He reached forward to touch her, but his hand went right through her. "What happened to you?"

"I can't believe you don't remember." Moon replied, her voice cold. "Come with me and I'll show you." She motioned him to follow as she hovered away from him. Gladion hesitated, not at all liking this strange place or ghost Moon. "Here it is." Moon halted, waving her hand to show him.

Gladion just stared at down in horror. There before him was Moon's lifeless body. He fell to his knees before her still form.

"W-what...what...happened?" Gladion choked, tears rolling down his face.

"I can't believe you don't remember. Especially because it was your fault." Ghost Moon whispered.

"What? No..." Gladion shot his gaze to the ghost in shock.

"That's right..." ghost Moon hissed. "...you couldn't save me. This is all your fault."

"No! No it's not true! It can't be true..." Gladion mumbled.

"You couldn't save me. It's all your fault. What will people think when they fine out?"

"No! That would never happen!" Gladion exclaimed. But she kept repeating it over and over again.

"You couldn't save me. It's all your fault. You couldn't save me."

"Stop it!" Gladion growled.

He covered his ears, but the voice wouldn't stop taunting him as the echoed in his skull. Then suddenly, everything was quite. He looked up and Moon was gone. It was just him.

"Hey Gladion!" Moon's chipper voice suddenly rang out.

"Moon?" Gladion turned, but fear swelled in his body. There was a huge monster coming up behind her and she had no idea. "Moon look out!" He tried to run to her, but he couldn't move his feet. They were stuck in the black mucky ground.

"Gladion! Save me!" Moon screamed.

"Moon! No!" Gladion reaches out in a desperate attempt to save her.

"Moon!" Gladion sat up, his arms reached out. He looked around, seeing he was in his room. "It...was just a dream."

He sighed in relief, and resting his hand on his the side of his face. He felt the wet trails of tears that went down his cheeks. He really had been crying. There was a sudden but soft knock at his door, followed by it creaking open a bit.

"Gladion? Are you ok?" Moon whispered, opening the door slowly.

"Y-yeah. I'm totally fine." Gladion stuttered, mentally kicking himself for stuttering in front of her. She was now fully in his room. "What are you doing up anyway?" Gladion tried to change the subject.

"I got up to get a glass of water, but got lost on my way back to Lillie's room. Then I heard you yell my name." Moon answered.

She walked closer to his bed. She stopped next to his bed and turned on his bedside lamp. When his eyes adjusted to the sudden light, he could see her the concern on her face. He had to admit, even worried, she looked beautiful in her midnight blue night gown.

"I know something is wrong. What happened?" Moon asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Nothing." Gladion looked away.

He was still very shaken from the dream and had to fight every fiber of his being not to snatch her up in his arms and never let go. He could still hear the faint voices echoing in his head. He then felt the bed shift and turned to see Moon sitting next to him, even more concerned.

"Please tell me." Moon begged. "If it was bad enough to make you cry, I want to help you." She rested her hand on his arm. "I'm here for you Gladion. I always will be." Without warning, Gladion pulled her into his embrace, just holding her there. "Gladion?" Moon squeaked in surprise.

"I had a nightmare." Gladion admitted, holding her a bit tighter.

Moon hugged him back. While she knew she should be focusing on comforting him, she couldn't help but feel safe in his arms.

"What was so bad about it to make you cry?" Moon asked.

Gladion took in a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "You...you were dead." He began to shake. "You kept telling me...it was my fault...that I couldn't save you."

"Oh Gladion." Moon hugged him tighter.

"Then...it happened...you were alive, but...I couldn't save you..." Gladion whimpered.

"That was just a bad dream. I'm still here and I know that if I was in any sort of danger, you would do everything in your power to save me." Moon pulled back and gave a reassuring smile. Though something occurred to her just then. "Why does this bother you so much? I mean, I know we are friends, but you don't usually let things like this bother you so much."

Gladion pulled her back to him. "Because I love you Moon." Gladion confessed.

"You love me?" Moon asked, surprised. "Like...as a sister...or as something... more?"

Gladion pulled her back, staring into eyes for a moment before kissing her. It was certainly a surprise, but it was the best surprise she ever had.

"As more." Gladion replied when they parted.

"I love you too, Gladion." Moon cooed, snuggling up to him. Gladion's tense body relaxed against hers. He felt like he was finally able to breath again. "Would you like me to stay here with you? I'd be happy to protect you in case of another nightmare."

"Only if you're comfortable with it." Gladion replied.

"Well, scoot over." Moon remarked.

Gladion smiled and made room for her on the bed. They both snuggled up under the warm covers and fell into a peaceful sleep. The two slept in fairly late, but neither cared. Although, little did they know, Lillie would be sure to tease them when they finally got out of bed.


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