All I see is you- spiceshipping

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From the beginning, Mallow and Kiawe had been the best of friends. They would do just about everything together. Even into their teenage years, they were super close.

It wasn't long after graduation that all their friends noticed that Mallow and Kiawe never dated. It was more understandable for Mallow, since she was working hard with her family restaurant dreams.

Even though Kiawe was still working on his farm, he had a lot more free time now that Mimo was old enough to handle more responsibilities. So, he had a lot more free time and many beautiful girls that would jump at the opportunity to go out with him. Yet, he would always decline or pretend not to notice.

It made their friends curious, but every time they questioned him, Kiawe would give a vague answer.

Until Lana stepped up. She was a determined little cookie and wasn't going to settle until she got an answer.

"Hey, Kiawe. Do you have some time to talk?" Lana asked.

"Sure." Kiawe replied. "What do you want to talk about?"

"You know a lot of our friends have found someone special to be with. Lillie has Sun, Gladion has Moon, Sophocles has Acerola, and I have Hau. Even Ash has a girlfriend." Lana said.

"Ok? What does that have to do with anything?" Kiawe questioned.

"There are a lot of girls here who would like to go out with you." Lana continued. "So...why won't you give any of them a chance?"

Kiawe was quite for a moment but started to laugh. All of his friends had been more subtle about the subject of his non existent love life. But Lana just took her usual bluntness to a whole new level. Lana just stared up at him, waiting patiently for his response.

"Getting right to the point as usual, I see." Kiawe chuckled. Lana raised an eyebrow. "But there is a reason I haven't been with anyone."

"And that would be?" Lana asked.

"All I see is her." Kiawe smiled, dreamily. "I actually have tried with a few girls but...there is someone special that I can't get out of my mind. She is really important to me. I've never had the right time to tell her."

Lana stared wide-eyed at Kiawe, surprised that he had dated but was so deeply in love that no one else stood a chance. Now, the only question was, who is this special girl?

"Who is she?" Lana asked.

"I can't say." Kiawe lightly shook his head.

"Kiawe, if you love this girl this much, why keep it a secret? Surely, you have a chance if you care so much about her." Lana pointed out. Kiawe only shrugged in response. "Wait, is it that she is with someone else?"

"No." Kiawe sighed.

"Then what?" Lana questioned, impatiently.

But that's when something dawned on her. Another one of their friends was single and really close to Kiawe. The one who worked in her family's restaurant. It had to be her.

"It's Mallow, isn't it?" Lana asked.

"Yes. It's Mallow." Kiawe muttered.

"How long have you been in love with her?" Lana asked. Kiawe looked to Lana, and the look in his eyes said it all. "Kiawe, you have to tell her. It's been far too long and if you have loved her for years, those feelings won't go away. You will not only feel great about getting it out in the open, but I'm sure Mallow feels the same way."

"But...what if she doesn't? I couldn't lose her." Kiawe argued.

"Or you could make her really, really happy, but you will never know unless you take that chance." Lana retorted. "I don't get it. You usually jump into things head-on but not now. What would it take? Mallow."

Lana didn't listen for his response as an idea formed. Mallow really was the only way for her friends to finally be together.

"On second thought, I'm hungry. I'm going to get myself a bite to eat. See you later, Kiawe." Lana skipped away.

Kiawe watched her go with his mouth opened slightly, unsure of what just happened. One second Lana was interrogating him, the next she is off to eat. It didn't make sense. Then again, some of their conversations didn't make sense to him. He decided to brush it off and continue on with his day.

Meanwhile, Lana had arrived at Mallow's family restaurant, just as Mallow was on break. Lana caught her just as Mallow exited the door.

"Hey Mallow!" Lana chirped. "You'll never guess what I just found out."

"What is it?" Mallow asked.

"I just saw Kiawe out with a pretty girl and I think they were out on a date. Maybe he finally found his special someone." Lana remarked.

Lana watched closely for her friends reaction. She wanted to know of Mallow's feelings before saying anything.

"He...was with a girl?" Mallow asked, disappointment clear in her voice.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Lana question, though her tone was less than subtle. Not that Mallow noticed.

"No...I'm happy for him it's just..." Mallow sighed sadly. "I thought I still had all this time...that maybe I could...get the restaurant in order and then have the one I want to be with. I should have known he wouldn't wait."

Lana smiled, for she was right. Her two friends were in love and just needed a push so they would admit it. Which Lana was happy to give that push.

"So, would you say that you love Kiawe?" Lana asked.

"Yes. He...he's actually the only one I've loved." Mallow replied.

"Good. Because I lied. Kiawe wasn't with a girl." Lana said.

"What! But...but...why would you do that?" Mallow squealed.

"Because I had to be sure before I could encourage him to share his feelings." Lana shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"Wait...he has feelings for me?" Mallow grinned.

"I'll let him tell you. Just go to him and be sure to tell him all the details after." Lana remarked.

"Right...right. I'll do it! See you later Lana." Mallow waved as she ran off.

Lana smiled as she watched her best friend leave and once she was out of sight, Lana went into the restaurant. She really was hungry and needed a snack to hold over until Mallow gushed to her later.

Meanwhile, Mallow was on the search for Kiawe but she knew him well enough to know where he would be.

"Kiawe! I'm so glad I found you!" Mallow called.

He turned towards her with a smile, just as he usually does, but this time she knew.

"Hi Mallow." Kiawe greeted. "What are-"

"Do you love me?" Mallow interrupted.

Kiawe's eyes widened and his mouth fell open a bit. Where was this coming from? Then, he realized Lana wasn't hungry for food, but to talk to the girl he loves. He might as well let it out.

"Yes, it's true. I do love you Mallow." Kiawe answered. "I think I've had a small crush on you in the beginning but as time went on...the feelings only grew. I never said anything, because our friendship is so important to me. But no matter what, no matter hard I have tried, all I see is you."

Mallow couldn't stop smiling. She believe that Kiawe really had feelings for her all this time, and she was ecstatic.

"Kiawe!" Mallow chirped. "I love you too! I...I would have said something sooner but I thought I had all this time. Because I didn't want to be with anyone else, but you. I don't see anyone else but you either."

For a moment, they just stared at each other in disbelief but Kiawe didn't take too long. He pulled Mallow in close and pressed his lips on hers. Mallow quickly melted into the kiss. Everything felt magical as they stood in each other's warm hold and sweet tender kiss.

Slowly, they pulled back and Mallow rested her head against his chest. Kiawe set his head on top of hers and wrapped her arms securely wrapped around her. No words were needed, for they knew that they would always have each other.


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