Lost in the snow- Shiningsunshipping

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On the island of Ula'Ula in the Alolan region, Lillie and her friend Sun were up in on mount Lanakila. Lillie wanted to train and practice with the sled jumping with Snowy. What better place than a snow covered mountain.

When Sun heard of her plans to go, he insisted on tagging along to help train and/or assist of needed and Lillie was happy to welcome him along.

After a short ride and ascent up to the mountain, the two teens arrived in their winter clothes, happy to be out and about.

"Are you ready to have some fun, Sun?" Lillie chimed, pulling out a Pokéball.

"You bet!" Sun replied, just as enthusiastic.

"Come out Snowy!" Lillie threw the Pokéball up and out came her Alolan Vulpix.

"Vul vul." Vulpix chirped.

"You ready to train today?" Lillie knelt down to her Pokémon's level as Vulpix nodded. "I was thinking we could practice our Z move and some battling then maybe even sled jumping. What do you think?"

Sun just smiled at the girl as she talked to her beloved Pokémon. Lillie was such a sweet and pretty girl and that definitely wasn't lost on Sun. In fact, he had a crush on her since the day they met and after growing close with her, he knew he had fallen in love. However, he was just to afraid to tell her, but he wouldn't let himself dwell on that now. Now, he was getting to spend an whole day with her and nothing could ruin it.

"You ready Sun?" Lillie asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Yep." Sun smiled.

They began a small battle, Lillie using Snowy and Sun using his Rockruff. Though Lillie did get some training done, the battle soon dissolved into a snowball fight. The trainers and even the Pokémon joined in on the fun.

"In coming." Lillie called as she threw a snowball, but it didn't enough power behind it. "Oh."

"Here, let me show you how it's done." Sun chuckled.

He stepped beside her, and set a fresh snowball in her gloved hand. He placed a gentle hand on her waist and took her hand. He demonstrated the motion and the best time to release. This was less a lesson, and more an excuse to stand so close to her.

Lillie on the other hand, was having trouble concentrating on anything else but Sun. She shared the same feelings he had for her, but was afraid he only saw her as a friend. She didn't want to lose his friendship, so she kept quiet. So, she decided to enjoy his company when ever she could instead.

"O-ok. I think I got it." Lillie managed. "I think we should take a break from the snowball fight. I really want to practice the sled jumping, thing."

"Alright." Sun remarked.

So, the two went up to the cabin to rent a sled for Lillie to practice.

"Hello and welcome." The man behind the desk greeted. "What can I help you with?"

"I would like to rent a sled, please." Lillie replied.

"Alright." He nodded, typed on his computer and printed her rental ticket. "Do be careful though. There was a heavy snow a few days ago, and it could be risky in some spots."

"Thank you, but I'll be careful." Lillie smiled and took the ticket.

Sun and Lillie exited the cabin and headed for the sleds.

"You're going to be careful, right?" Sun asked, worry in his voice.

"Don't worry. It will be alright. I've done this before." Lillie assured. "Come on Snowy, let's do this."

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