All bottled up- Lonashipping

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Gladion stood at the edge of a rocky cavern with his arms crossed over his chest. His mind running back over his past. Although, it was mostly the darkness of it. All his wrong choices, all the pain he went through because of it, and every little thing he had done wrong that lead up to this point.

He didn't usually dwell on thinks like this but after the incident with his mother in Ultra space, he couldn't help it. He had never let any of this out before, but now he was struggling to keep it all in.

Then he heard the small patter of footsteps approach and he straightened himself. At first he assumed it was just a tourist or someone just passing by. He was wrong.

"Gladion? What are you doing up here?" Moon asked.

"It's peaceful here." Gladion replied gruffly.

Though he hoped Moon didn't hear a difference.

"Is something wrong?" Moon questioned, stepping closer to him.

"Nothing. I'm fine." Gladion turned a bit away.

Moon frowned. After all they had been through together, she could read him pretty well. So she could tell something was wrong.

"I know that's not true. Please tell me what's bothering you. I want to help you." Moon promised.

"I don't feel like talking." Gladion stated.

"Then look at me at least." Moon begged. "Please."

Gladion stiffened. That was the last think he needed. If he could barely speak in front of her, Gladion knew he would spill everything. The last thing he wanted was to burden her with his problems. But Moon was stubborn and wasn't going to let go until he told her.

"Gladion please." Moon placed a hand on his shoulder. "I care about you and I want to help. Please let me." It took every fiber in him to keep it together. "It's not healthy keeping your emotions bottled up like this. I know you don't want to appear weak but you have to let it out. I won't tell anyone and I want to be here for you." Moon then hugged him.

That was it. That broke down all his walls he gave in. Tears began to fall down his face. Moon turned to give him a proper hug. He clung onto her and began to sob into her shoulder. Everything that he had been holding in, came pouring out on her shoulder.

"It's ok. I'm here. Just let it all out." Moon whispered to him.

Gladion's legs began to shake and he crumbled to the rocky ground. Moon went along with him and continued to do everything in her power to comfort him. It had been a long time since Gladion had let this pain out and at this point, there was a lot of it.

Moon continued on comforting him until he had finally calmed down. But even then, they remained as they were. Sitting on the ground holding onto each other.

"Are you better now?" Moon asked.

"Much better. Thank you." Gladion nodded against her shoulder.

"Of course. I'm happy to help you." Moon muttered.

"Why help someone like me?" Gladion asked.

"Because...I care about you Gladion. I really care about you..." Moon replied.

She wanted to tell him more. What her heart really feels fo him but now wasn't the time for that. He was in pain and she didn't want to force anything on him now. He didn't need to know now. Or maybe he did.

"And..." Moon buried her face in his shoulder and gripped tightly onto the fabric if his short. She didn't want to see the look on his face when she told him. "...I love you."

"You love me? Really love me?" Gladion questioned.

"Yes." Moon answered. "I do."

"Moon? Can you look at me?" Gladion begged.

Moon took in a deep breath and finally met his gaze. At first, they just started into each other's eyes. They didn't want to say anything that might ruin the peaceful moment but Gladion didn't want her to go another moment without her knowing.

"Moon, I love you too." Gladion caressed her cheek. "You have been one of the best things in my life but I kept that bottled up too. But not anymore. I love you and nothing will ever stop me from showing it."

"Gladion..." Moon cooed, touches by his words. "You're amazing."

"Can I kiss you?" Gladion leaned his forehead against hers.

"Absolutely." Moon smiled.

They closed the remaining distance between them and kissed. Using every bit of love in them to show it. After all, nothing was ever to be bottled up again. Especially not their love.


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