Who is she- Shiningsunshipping

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It was a nice clear day in Alola, which meant it was the perfect time for training, and Sun took full advantage. He was out on the open beach with his Incineroar and Lycanroc.

"Ok Incineroar, use darkest lariat! Lycanroc, use stone edge!" Sun commanded.

His Pokémon obeyed and Incineroar blasted through the stone edge, sending shards in all directions. Lycanroc dodged all the shards but there was another Pokémon that got hit.


"Oh no. Who did we hit?" Sun worried as he ran over to see who was hit.

That's when he spotted an Alolan Dugtrio with a scrape on one of its heads. Its eyes were shut tight and had tears in the corners. Even rock type moves aren't that affective, being hit in the head isn't a great feeling.

"Hey, are you ok?" Sun knelt down to the Pokémon's level.

"Trio trio." The Pokémon nodded.

"That's good." Sun sighed in relief. "Do you have a trainer? Are you lost?" The Pokémon teared up even more but nodded. "Hey, it's ok. I'll take you to the Pokémon center and we can look for your trainer. How does that sound?"

The Dugtrio brightened. "Dug! Dug dug trio!"

"Well ok then." Sun laughed. "Let's do it. Lycanroc, Incineroar, return."

With his Pokémon returned to their Pokéballs, Sun led the Dugtrio to the Pokémon center. Once there, Sun gave the Pokémon in to be treated and also informed Nurse Joy.

"I found this Pokémon and I was wondering if you knew its trainer or something." Sun explained.

"Well, there are a lot of Pokémon that come through here, but I'll see what I can do." Nurse Joy smiled.

Sun nodded and waited at the front desk. The center was pretty empty, which was a bit nice. After all, he was occupied and didn't need any interruptions. He soon became lost in thought he as stood there. Until Nurse Joy came back with the Dugtrio.

"Good news." Nurse Joy chirped. "I got in touch with Dugtrio's trainer. He want to meet up as soon as possible to get his Pokémon back."

"That's great! Did they say where they could meet?" Sun asked.

"Yes. Here is where they said to meet." Nurse joy handed him a note. "They might be a little late but promise to be there."

"Ok. Thanks Nurse Joy. I'll get right to it." Sun assured.

With that, Sun helped the Pokémon outside. The two went and waited at the spot given on the note. Sun sat on the nearby bench with the Dugtrio beside him.

After a bit with nothing going on, Sun leaned back and laid his arms out along the back of the bench.

"I wonder where your trainer is." Sun muttered to himself.

"Sun? What are you doing here?" Hau questioned from behind him. "And who are you with?"

Hau walked around the bench to be face-to-face with his friend.

"Hu? Oh, this is a Dugtrio I found. I'm waiting for its trainer to come." Sun explained.

"Ah! That makes a lot more sense." Hau laughed. "But you know, from behind it looks like you're sitting with a girl."

"Afraid not." Sun grinned.

Although, there was one girl he really wished would be by his side right now. Or any time, really.

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