Double proposal- Lona

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This takes place in the future where they are both in their mid twenties. Just wanted to clarify that since I forgot to add it in and am too lazy to go back and change it now. 

Nonetheless I hope you enjoy :) 


The night air was cool as Moon and Gladion walked along the empty stretch of beach. It had become a little bit of a tradition for them since they got together. Even all these years later, with all the crazy twists and turns of life, they made time to do it every now and then.

Either early in the morning or late at night, they walked along the same beach. Sometimes they chatted and other times they stayed in a pleasant silence. Always walking side by side.

But tonight was different then most in Moon's mind. She wanted to take the next step with him. To officially join his family and for him to join hers. She had wanted it for a while now, but hadn't found the time to ask him.

Of course, she knew that usually it was the guy who proposed. But she wouldn't be the champion if she let opportunities slip by her. If she wanted this, she was more than willing to do it herself.

The only thing holding her back was finding the perfect moment. But now, with the full moon shining over them, making everything shimmer and sparkle so beautifully, it seemed absolutely perfect. Like a moment out of a fairy tale, set up just for them.

Little did she know, it had been planned that way.

With her mind made up, Moon stopped, catching Gladion's attention. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Gladion, I have something to ask you. And I don't want to wait another moment." Moon announced.

Gladion nodded, signaling for her to continue. With a deep breath, Moon took his hand and sandwiched it between her own. She always tried to fit her small hands all the way around his large one, but never could. A gesture Gladion found both adorable and amusing.

She huffed in defeat, when she failed again, deciding to get back on track with her plan.

"I absolutely love you. From the day I met you here, in this beach all those years ago, my feelings have always grown. They are still growing even now, and I want them to continue to grew along with us. Through thick and thin, against any ultra beast that crosses our path, and whatever else life throws at us. I want to be by your side through it all." Moon remarked.

Finally, she got down on one knee, keeping his hand in hers.

"So, will you marry me?" Moon asked.

For a second, Gladion started at her wide eyed. He couldn't believe his ears. She really beat him to the punch, yet again, and he couldn't help but burst out laughing at the irony. Full on belly laughs, almost to to the point of tears.

Moon blinked in surprise. It wasn't often that he laughed this hard. Especially after such a big moment. Yet, she couldn't help but smile. His laugh was wonderful to listen to.

"What's so funny?" Moon giggled.

Once Gladion managed to calm down, he smiled down at her with such warmth. Her heart melted at the sight.

"I should have expected as much, and yet, you still never fail to surprise me." Gladion stated.

Before Moon could question him, his other hand pulled out a small blue box from his pocket. Moon eyed it with wonder as Gladion also got down on one knee before her.

"I was going to ask you the same thing after you saw my little surprise for you. But this will do just as well." Gladion answered.

" were? Sorry about that." Moon giggled sheepishly.

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