I'll come back for you...and my hat- Shiningsun

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"No Sun! Please don't do this!" Lillie begged, tears in her eyes.

"I have to." Sun gave a sad smile and lifted her chin with his finger. "You know that."

"But...but it's to dangerous...what if...what if you don't come back...and..." Lillie whimpered as the tears fall down her face.

"I know, but I promise to come back to you." Sun assured. "Here." He took his hat off and placed it atop her head. "Now I have two things to come back for. Keep it safe for me until I can get it back, ok?"

"Ok..." Lillie nodded, still crying.

"I'll see you soon Lillie." Sun smiled.

Lillie watched him leave until he was completely out of sight. Once he was gone, she crumbled to the floor, sobbing. She didn't want him to leave her side, not now, not ever. What's worst, she never got to tell him.

He was going into an ultra wormhole with his team. During the mess with her mother, there was something important that they discovered and it was the ultra Guardians job to retrieve it. It was going to be a similar mission. In, out, and safety back home.

But, that was days ago. Lillie had locked herself in her room, and refused to come out until Sun was back. She hardly took off his hat, but would stare at the hat for hours when it was off her head.

"Sun, please come back." Lillie muttered. Rubbing her fingers along the fabric of the hat, that sat on her bed. "I miss you so much, and I can't help but worry. You were supposed to be back by now."

There was a sudden knock at the door. "Lillie? Can you please open the door?" It was her brother, Gladion.

"Go away." Lillie cried.

"Lillie, we are all worried, but you need to come out." Moon reasoned.

The door opened to reveal Lillie, but not the well put together, tidy Lillie. She was a mess. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was noted and frizzy, and her face was wet with tears.

"You don't get it...I didn't get to tell him..." Lillie whimpered, whipping her face with the back of her hand. "...what if I can't..." Moon sprang forward and hugged her sad friend. Lillie clung onto her, desperately. "...what he never comes back..."

"I know it hurts, but you can't think like that." Moon tried to comfort her. "He will come back with everyone else." Moon pulled back to look at her. "Go clean yourself up. You need to leave this room and get some fresh air."

"O...ok." Lillie muttered in agreement.

She turned and walked back into her room. Moon then turned her attention back to Gladion.

"I think it should just be me." Moon stated.

"What? No. The two most important girls in my life are hurting. I want to help you." Gladion argued.

"I know and I love you for that. I think it might make things worse if you are there. Not because you would do something wrong, but seeing us together while she is heartbroken, it would only hurt worse. I promise we will be ok and once Sun is back, I will come running back to you, ok?" Moon explained.

"Fine." Gladion sighed.

"Thank you for understanding." Moon kissed his cheek.

Gladion nodded, trying not to smile but couldn't help it. He walked away just as Lillie came out, looking tidy once again, but insisted if her usual hat, she wore Sun's. Also, she was still sad really sad.

"Where is Gladion?" Lillie asked.

"It's just going to be a girls day. Come on." Moon lead her out of the house.

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