Uncovered feelings- Lonashipping

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Quick note: Amy is a character I made up for the purposes of the story. I couldn't bring myself to make one of the characters bad so I just picked a random name. Hope you enjoy :)


Lillie and Moon were hanging out at Lillie's house. They caught up on things in the time they had been apart, which wasn't a lot, but the two had been very busy recently. Somehow, Gladion and his detested ex got into the conversation.

"I can't believe he dated her. Amy was such a spoiled snob." Lillie growled.

"Yeah." Moon nodded in agreement. "He really didn't deserve that."

"I know! Why did she even go after him? It doesn't make sense." Lillie crossed her arms with a deep scowl.

"Well, I mean, Gladion is a great guy." Moon smiled to herself. "He is really sweet and caring and he...what are you looking at?" Moon asked as she noticed a strange look on Lillie's face.

"Wait! You like Gladion!" Lillie exclaimed.

Moon's eyes widened in shock.

"Shhh! Lillie, keep it down." Moon hushed, a bit panicked.

"But this is perfect." Lillie chirped, excitedly. "He just broke up with that horrible Amy girl and is so heartbroken. You have to tell him!"

"No." Moon affirmed.

"Why not?" Lillie asked.

"Because...regardless of my feelings, that's not what he needs right now." Moon answered. "Amy took advantage of him and hurt him a lot. He doesn't need that right now. He needs his best friend and that's what I'm going to give him." Moon paused a moment as she felt tears form in the corners of her eyes. "I don't want him to think I'm like her. That I'll take advantage of him if anything happens between us. But now, before anything happens, he needs to heal."

There was a brief moment of silence between the two friends. Lillie smiled to herself, for she knew that Moon was right but also cared deeply for her brother. Whatever happens, Moon would be there for him. Always.

"You really do love him, don't you?" Lillie placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Yeah...I do." Moon wiped her face with the back of her hand.

"You don't have to worry. I won't say anything. I promise." Lillie hugged Moon.

"Thank you." Moon muttered as she hugged her back.

But it was too late. Gladion knew.

He had walked in on them, just as Lillie accused Moon of having feelings for him. He froze in his tracks as he heard the words leave his sister's mouth. Could this really be happening? Did he hear them right?

For once, he was thankful Silvally was in its Pokéball, or he would have been given away. He just stood there quietly and listened, completely unnoticed by the two girls.

However, once they seemed to have finished their conversation, Gladion slipped away to think and process all that he had heard.

He disappeared in the privacy of the vast forest, and allowed everything to sink in. He leaned against a tree and let his mind sort through everything.

"Moon loves me." Gladion sighed as he slowly slide down the trunk. "Moon loves me...and I never knew. The girl who is, literally, out of my league and beat me for the title of champion, is in love with me. The sweet, adorable, kind, strong, beautiful girl that forced her way into my life. I...I always thought...she was just being friendly, like she is with everyone, but...she cares about me. Enough to put my feelings before her own."

Gladion continued to mull over all his thoughts and own feelings. While it was true that he did share the same feelings that Moon had for him, she was right. He needed time to heal before he was ready to dedicate himself to Moon.

So, he acted as if he didn't know anything about her feelings for him. But as time went on, Gladion realized how oblivious he had been to Moon's feelings. Even if it was a subtle difference, there was still a difference in how she acted towards him.

He began to notice that Moon stood closer to him than anyone else. That her mood and smile got brighter when he was around. She also spent a lot of time with him. More than anyone else. She was always around to make sure he was ok. Moon really cared about him, he knew that.

So, he just let things stay the way they are, and continued to spend time with her. 

"Hey Gladion, you in there?" Moon asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry." Gladion answered. "Lost in thought, I guess."

"Thinking about anything interesting?" Moon playfully bumped him.

Gladion pressed his lips together in thought. Was now a good time to bring it up? To tell her? Probably not, but there never would be a good time.

"Actually yeah, and we should talk about it." Gladion stated.

"Ok?" Moon said curiously.

Gladion motioned for them to go and sit down, and Moon nodded in agreement. Once the two were seated, she waited patiently for Gladion to begin talking. He wasn't sure where to start, but he just decided to go from when he found out.

"Moon, I know how you feel about me." Gladion finally admitted.

Moon's eyes shot wide open and she began to panic. How did he find out? Did someone tell him? Would he think she would take advantage of him? Would he not want to be friends with her anymore?

"Gladion...I...before you say anything, I need you to know that I'm not like Amy! I promise! I won't ever take advantage of you, no matter what! I...I just..." Moon trailed off, trying to find something else to say.

"Hey Moon?" Gladion rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him, but there was definitely fear in her eyes. "I know."

"H-how?" Moon squeaked out.

"I overheard you and Lillie talking." Gladion answered.

"Oh..." Moon muttered and looked away. "Well...I'm fine just being friends if you want...and if you don't...I...I can..." Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Woah, Moon!" Gladion interrupted. "You didn't let me finish. Yes, I do know how you feel and I am sorry for eavesdropping, but you were right. I needed more time. To deal with the break up, and so that I could be sure that I was ready to devote myself to a relationship. One with a girl who is, and always will be, special to me."

"Who is she?" Moon asked.

Gladion smiled to himself. This, was the perfect time.

"You should know by now. It has always been you." Gladion gently lifted her chin with his finger. "I love you, Moon." He leaned in slowly as he continued. "I had no idea you that you felt anything more than friendship for me. I didn't want to risk losing you until I was sure. Now that I know, I will never let you go."

Moon gasped in surprise. She never expected that he would feel the same, especially after how Amy was to him. But there was something else she least expected. Gladion kissed her.

She could feel her heart speed up and her cheeks burning, but she never wanted it to end. Moon quickly wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

In that moment, they were thankful for everything that had happened. Because it had lead them here, where they were both so happy just to be with the one they loved most.


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